What Do We Do Now?

As the Ghost slept, he entered another vision, this time, of what had happened to Ottawa.

The Ghost and the PBY had gone to Washington D.C to surrender to Rothschild, meanwhile Lou prepared for some kind of retaliation.

"Get those who can't fight into the bunker, and seal it."

"Lou, we, we don't know what will happen." said Alexander

"Trust me, the NWO will strike, we can't sit around and die."

The preppers were working the radio, trying to communicate with the other various undergrounds to form a plan, one last time. News of the death of the Ghost had spread like wildfire, are people were fearful. Lou was doing his best to organize the army for any form of a strike the NWO would throw at them. However, no army was sent, no tanks, no planes, no bombs. Lou hiked over to the Veterans bridge, looking out over the city, seeing just what they'd done, what they'd created. A civilization, that started off as a ghost city, home only to The Ghost himself, now fully functional, and thriving. A few other guards met him on the bridge to gaze at their city. The Courthouse peaked over the treetops as they watched, but their view wasn't meant to last.

Guide lasers moved in upon Ottawa, crossing all over town, all meeting up above the W.P.S.B, the sky went dark for a moment, then lit up like a nuke had gone off. Lou and the two other guard watched as the city center was reduced to molten rock within seconds.

The heat from the city center was crazy as Lou drove his DeSoto Adventurer to find survivors. Most of the buildings and been reduced to a fiery, ashy mess, and there weren't any signs of life. The W.P.S.B had been melted into lava, nothing but a hole remained, Lou and the two guards were going to step out but more lasers fell upon the rest of the city.

Lou sped out of the city, driving Eastward, hoping this was some screwed up nightmare, the two guards strapped in as Lou punched it through town finally escaping. Looking back at the nightmare unfolding, Lou knew his best bet was to keep driving. He drove and drove hoping to find a safe haven, but nothing seemed to be safe. Eventually the car ran out of gas miles and miles away from Ottawa. Lou stepped out of the car to smoke, lighting his cigarette, he walked five steps forward then let out a puff. Behind him, the two guards screamed as the Starved Gorgon barreled into the car sending it down a ravine. Lou lit all of his cigarettes and laid they in front of him, blinding the creatures sense of smell. It screeched and went after the lone guard who'd managed to escape the mangled car.

Lou booked it away from the scene, running as fast as he could slipping into an old barn, hoping the creature would lose interest. He held his breath as he heard it snarl and screech off in the distance. He looked over to see it munching on the guard who had finally stopped screaming. Lou stayed there for hours, before finally drawing his pistol and leaving the barn. He walked down the field ready to meet his fate. Seeing the beast, he fired off a shot, then ducked behind a propane tank, it barreled at him, slamming into the propane tank causing a massive explosion, killing Lou, and the creature.