Ottawa: The Friendly City Reborn

The shuttle had been in the air for about an hour when the pilot came over saying they'd be landing soon.

As they landed, the constructions got their equipment unloaded, while the Pulse Sparrows walked with the Ghost to get clear the memorial.

The Coveralls were still there, and so was the sign. The Ghost removed the sign and folded the Coveralls, then he gave the sign to a lone contractor helping the development.

"Mr. Ghost, I can't tell you how much of an honor it is to be restoring your city! After all I owe you a favor!"

"I've never met you in my entire life, why do you owe me?"

"You helped my daughter, she works at the bar you frequent, you took care of a nasty pervert trying to do god knows what to her. So when word came down the pipe that your were looking for contractors, I wanted to be the first to call you."

"Oh yea, I see. She's well mannered, but you should teach her to say no more often."

"Got it, thank you!"

Once the small group had stepped away, the workers began filling the hole with the debris of Old Ottawa. Tattered bricks and plenty of rubble tossed into the hole, in the shuttle, the contractor went over the plans with the others.

"So Mr.?"

"Orville, Clancy Orville at your service!"

"Right, Mr. Orville, how exactly will this work?"

"Well, one the hole has been filled and the land has been cleared, the auto-designers will have this place back in ship shape in about a week."


"Ottawa ill be livable by the end of the month."

The others smiled as the shuttle left Ottawa for the last time as a ruin.

Just as Clancy had said, at the end of the month, the city was opened to the public, exploring the vast areas of the once great city, now brought into the future. Ottawa's new sign read, "Ottawa, The Friendly City Reborn".

The Ghost smiled as he toured the city, however, there was just one thing that bugged him. The Memorial for those who sacrificed their lives to stop the NWO had a different sign. "In honor to those who gave their lives building our world." He shook his head as he continued the tour. The city was brought into the future, only the few buildings that Ghost had specified had been spared futurization.

As the tour concluded, shrieks were heard from the park, Ghost rushed over to find something that sent chills down his spine.

The Starved Gorgon lives....