Extinction Upon US

As the early hours of dawn arose, Ghost was in the old radio station, trying to see who and what was out there on the broad-band.

Malacorp was trying to save their city when the ground began to quake.

20 minutes earlier...Somewhere in an undisclosed laboratory, the first fully artificial baby was just born, but it didn't cry. It stared at the lab ceiling in horror, then died moments later. The Scientist watching the cameras saw a shadowy figure lean over the child and mutter something, then the child flatlined. To his horror, written on the glass behind him, were the words "The End Is Near" etched into it in blood.

That's when the quake happened, it shook the planet, rattling everyone across the globe. The impending war had fully stopped when natural disasters rocked to planet. Tsunami's rocked the coasts, volcanos' erupted, the entire world was coming to a crashing, violent end. The Ghost and the Pulse Sparrows tried to keep everyone inside as Ottawa shook and building collapsed. The Ghost watched as they sky turned blood red, the streets illuminated by a blood light sun, making everyone else panic.

The Ghost took to the sky in the F4U Corsair and tried to take a look at the city. The rivers had turned to blood, the bridges had collapsed, and they were cut off from the city and any means of escape. This would be the final fight of the Ghost of Ottawa.