Ottawa Forever Part Two

While the combine team readied to free the Ghost, the NWO took the Ghost to their new prison, deep in the heart of Moscow, Russia. There they beat him, the coveralls were stained with blood, his own crimson red blood.

As he lay upon the floor, russian prisoners looked at him, hoping he would move, twitch, do anything other than what he was doing. The guards laughed as they left his cell, telling everyone, "There is the Great American Legend, The Ghost of Ottawa."

After the guards had left, a single prisoner spoke up.

"Tis brightest when the sun is highest."

"W-warm is t-the breeze through the cornfields."

"AH! My friend, it is I, Nikolai, head of the "Kalashnikov" Russian Underground!"

"It's me, The Ghost...Here in Moscow."

"Why are you here friend?"

"There's no escaping them, the NWO, they're too strong."

"No, not yet they're not. As the moon sets, the sun shall rise."

The Ghost looks at him, realizing that wasn't some bullshit inspirational quote, it was code, code for nuclear war is coming. The efforts of both the remaining Pulse Sparrows and the Ottawa Defenders was already reaching the ears of the underground.

Nikolai laughed as he gave the signal for them to transmit the OK signal, this would be the last of the NWO, they'd never see an attack like this coming.

Back in the Ottawa, people from all over had prepared for the battle, ammo, guns, planes, and missiles were all ready. Each of the groups brought a unique element to the assault force. The Texan Empire had loaded all of their nuclear capable bombers with nukes, the Colonial States and Free City had troop carriers ready to go, and the Golden Gate Underground had sent food, medical supplies, and whatever they could spare to aid in the attack.

As the clock struck 11pm, the force moved out, ready to wage for, unlike anything they'd ever done. Everyone there knew, this was a do or die mission, the odds were stacked against them, and there was little time remaining for their takedown window.

Around 3am, the NWO prison was rocked by thousands of bombs killing the power grid, freeing some of the prisoners. Nikolai and the Ghost laughed as the power went out and the guards scrambled to their posts.

The Ghost laughed once more then he smiled and leaned against the wall. "Fuck the Rebirth....Remember Ottawa."