Chapter 41 You Make Me Sick

  Federick shoved Stella into the car.

  He locked the door.

  His subordinate began to drive away.

  "Boss, we are being followed. What should we do?" he asked, looking into the rear-view mirror.

  Federick turned around and saw an Audi following them.

  A man with a hat, who was holding a mobile phone, was following them closely.

  Federick smiled frivolously and said, "It's going to be peak hour soon. Let's play with him."

  "Yes, sir," Federick's subordinate replied.

  Stella noticed that the car was circling the city center, she had a bad feeling.

  What on earth does Federick want from her?

  Jasper listened to the report over the phone, he asked in a low voice, "Did Stella leave on her own will?"

  "She was dragged into the car by force." Jasper's soldier reported truthfully.

  A sharp light flashed in Jasper's eyes. "Which route are you on now? We need to have him arrested," said Jasper.