Chapter 94 Do You Like Stella?

Stella Grace didn't want to drag him down.

She could not see them around, so she searched the house alone.

There was nothing else that was odd in the house.

She went back to the bedroom.

She looked around.

She bent down and looked under the bed.

It was dark under the bed, so she couldn't see anything clearly.

She then looked under the bed with a flashlight.

She found that there was a floorboard under the bed.

Thump, thump, thump. She knocked on it.

A flash of excitement flashed through Stella's heart.

Unexpectedly, there was a tunnel. Perhaps this was some new discovery.

She lifted the floorboard and found that there was a flight of stairs going down.

She didn't dare go down because she was worried that there would be something down there that would hurt her.