Chapter 227 Live Your Own Life

At nine o'clock, Jasper Milton returned to the military base following Stella's persuasion.

Stella Grace went to the appointed place. It was still early. She took out a pen and started customising the psychological test paper.

Her phone rang.

It was from an unknown number. Judging from its country code, it should be from the US.

She cautiously answered it. "Hello, who is this?"

"Excuse me, are you the psychologist, Miss Stella Grace? I'm Nelly Spears' assistant. She has encountered some problems. She is requesting for your consultation, and we will pay you according to your "ation," the assistant said.

Stella knew that the actress called Nelly Spears was a very competitive actress. She was very beautiful and she came from a good family, but her acting left a lot to be desired.

"Okay, give her my number," Stella said softly.