Chapter 232 Around In Circles, Live Is Never The Same

As an extra precaution, Stella Grace bought pepper spray and a stun gun and put them in her bag on her way to Frederick's villa.

It took her an hour to get there. She entered the password, which was still Felicia Chuck's birthday.

Ironic, wasn't it?

The door opened and Stella walked in.

Frederick Addington and the little fellow were sitting on the sofa watching cartoons.

Stella was shocked when she saw the child. He looked like a mini version of her. He looked just like her when she was small.

Frederick suddenly smiled deviously at Stella. "Why are you still standing there? The groceries are all in the kitchen. We're waiting for you to cook. Titus and I haven't eaten yet."

Titus looked at Stella with a pair of stunning black eyes. "Are you my mommy?" he asked in a squeaky voice.