Chapter 280 Battle Between Men, The King's Woman

"Are you free tonight? I want to treat you to dinner," Bettany Hadley said softly.

"Sorry, I'm not free tonight. I'm treating someone else to dinner," Stella Grace refused.

"Then could we meet tomorrow at noon? I have something very important to tell you."

"You could just say it now. We don't have to meet each other." Stella tried to avoid meeting up with Bettany. There was no particular reason for it, she just didn't want to.

"I have something to give you. I'll wait for you in Room 302 at the Purple Garden Restaurant tomorrow. See you then." Bettany said and hung up the phone before Stella could answer her.

Stella put her mobile phone into her bag.

"Who is it?" Frederick Addington asked curiously.

"It was Bettany," she replied.