Chapter 761 Letting Go Will Only Benefit You

"And what?" Ray asked.

"The person who came to claim the deceased brought a picture of him, but when we matched the photo, the similarity degree was only 30%."

"So, it's as though no one had come to claim the deceased," Edwin said.

Sheldon nodded, "You could say that."

"Are all the cages found in the same place? Or are they found in different places?" Stella asked with curiosity.

"They were all basically in the same area. We found several heavy stones fixing the cages in place," Sheldon said.

Stella closed the document in her hand. "I think that the exploration team should go there again. There might be new corpses, and we have to be quick."

"Okay, I'll get in touch with them right away," Vann said as he left the room to make a phone call.