Mother And Daughter

After the beautiful night of yesterday he woke up happy and got dressed by his personal maid Elly. If it was a bit more than dressing only 2 people will know.

The palace was currently in a bit of chaos to prepare for the ball which is 3 days.

He got to know the ball was also a scene in the novel. It was where the duke found a low-noble trying to hit on the other ML who was came disguised here as a servant a few days ago thinking the royal palace was a safe place from the duke.

It was also here were the servant ML realized his feelings for the duke ML but all of that isn't important.

What really is important is the saintess and figuring out who the heroine is which shouldn't be too hard.

But that is all for then. Right now he is enjoying tea whit the queen and the princess Elizabeth.

The queen called him over and he had some guesses why.

"Okay, lets get down to business. Prince Jing, what do you think about my daughter".

He saw Elizabeth's face getting flushed.

"I don't understand what you mean you majesty". He said looking a bit confused but you could see a little teasing smile on his face.

"I mean about getting engaged to her". She said still smiling beautiful.

"Well although you daughter is beautiful i would enjoy someone like the queen more in my bed". He said.

"~~fufu~~aren't you a little wrong. I am a married woman, i could never do something like that". She said trying to smile but you could see the blush on her face.

He got up and walked to her while saying.

"Don't try to hide it. I see how you look at me. You probably just wanted me to marry your daughter hoping it would go away. You love me and want to pamper me. Spoil me like a good mother while moaning under me".

He took her up. Hands around her waist and kissed her. She then broke the kiss while looking down.

"I can't. I am a married woman. What would people think of me". She said blushing while looking away.

"Don't think. Just accept the feeling. Give in to the feeling and become my slutty stepmother".

He said forcing her to look him in the eyes. He kissed her again and this time invaded her mouth.

After kissing for a while he broke the kiss.

"So, what do you say. Do you wanna become my slutty stepmother. Who will pamper her spoiled son in every way he wants".

"Yes, let me become your stepmother. I will make sure to spoil you. And i will kill anyone who would hurt you". She said already whit a crazy smile while bringing his head into her massive bosom.

This just showed him how powerful the combo of hypnosis whit his face is.

"Good then from know on you are mine. Understand". He said getting out of her bosom while putting his hands on her bubbly ass.

"Of course my prince. I am only yours and all yours. So don't hesitate to take this slutty mother". She said keeping her crazy smile.




He saw how her ass giggled whit every spank of him

he turned to the spectator and said.

"A good slave wouldn't let his master wait like this". While taking out his d*ck which was ragging.

"Yes Ely, A good sister wouldn't let her brother be hurt like this". Said the mother while taking his dick into her hands and slowly rubbing it her face while mumbling.

"~~fufufu~~my son is this big. It won't fit but as a good mother i just need to make sure he is happy". And some other things just as crazy.

He saw how Elizabeth or by her nickname, Ely. Was still in shock but came out of it after he called her out of it.

He saw her come to him and took her in for a kiss while his hands feeling her but.

"Why don't you make sure my ass is clean". He said and saw how exited she got receiving a task from her master. He saw how all her pride from a princess was invisible before him and did something even in his previous life wasn't lets say common.

Now having a milf tend to his d*ck by licking it all over and a fresh young woman licking every corner of his ass was something beyond good.

Getting attacked from both sides it didn't take long before he came all over his new mom.

"~~AAHH~~all of my son's stuff is over me. My son is such a good boy". She said while still looking like a maniac.

He knew that Ely must be quite jealous so he rewarded her with also a bit.

"Ely for being a good slave why don't you lick the remaining of the ground".

She then crawled to the cum and started licking it like a dog drinking a heavenly potion.

"~~AAAAAW~~ My son is such a kind boy. Even sharing whit his sister".

"Yes your son is the best person out there".

He said while taking her breast in his hands.

"But we will need to stop for know. Why don't you come find me at night with Ely. Make sure to educate her properly".

Don't worry. Your mommy won't disappoint you". She said while playfully getting in military stance.

Before they all parted he put some hypnosis commands in as security even though he is pretty sure they are fully loyal to him.


It was night and he was expecting for them to come any minute.

He didn't take his other woman with him because he wanted to have an alone night whit both of them before introducing them.

He then heard a knock and the saw to beautiful woman come into the room wearing big coats.

When they closed the door he saw them drop their the coats revealing them both being in night gowns.

Especially Nicole gave a very sexy glow while Ely did also very good but her body was still to underdeveloped to show its potential.

"Beautiful, Now why don't you make me feel good".

"Of course Master/My prince". They both said in sync while approaching him whit smiled.

His mom went to his front and pressed her breast on his on his chest giving him a good feeling of their softness.

His slave went to his and took his ass into her hands while breathing hot air on his ears.

"Don't do anything. Let us take care of you my prince".

"Yes. I want to show some things mom told me". Said his sister while licking his earlobe and playing whit his soft ass.

His mom started licking his nipple while pressing hers against his tummy.

They both started to move him to the bed where they laid him on his back.

His mom took his lower by licking his balls while letting his raging d*ck resting on her pretty face while his sister took his upper body by kissing him.

This continued when they slowly changed what they were doing. His sister started liking his body while playing whit his nipples and also put her dripping pussy on his mouth where he tasted he heavenly nectar which gave an incredible fresh feeling.

His mother went from his balls to taking his dick in her mouth as far as possible while taking his ass into her mouth.

This continued for a while making the mother and sister orgasm just from the fact of serving him until her came all into his mom's mouth.

"~~AAAAH~~thank you my prince for giving me this amazing gift.

She then put her above her ragging dick before dropping herself.

"~~AAAAAAHHHYYAAAAA~~My prince is so deep inside me".

she said whit a crazy expression. He saw how her breast jiggled with every drop of her.



His hands went for them to play whit them because the are to beautiful to be left alone.

His sister also stopped giving him her nectar and instead went to treat his balls by putting them into her mouth. On per time of course.

after already having cummed once it didn't take long before his d*ck gave in to her amazing tightness.


"~~HYYYYYAAAAAAGHHHUUUUHHAAA~~" His mom giving him the most crazy moan jet.

His mom laid defeated on the bed only able to mumble in her sleep.

"~~Fufu~~thank you for giving mommy such an amazing gift. don't worry mom will never leave you".

He saw the his sister pushing her aside while straddling herself for riding his cock.

( What do you like more. Sister or slave. Me sister more because it fits more than slave and can always make another slave while sister just fits.)

"Don't worry brother. Sister will take care of you". She said giving him a sweet smile and caressing his face before dropping herself.


He saw how her smaller breast swung up and down following her body.

He felt her super tight p*ssy around his dick. It was even tighter than her mom's but from pleasure they felt about the same.


HE felt her draining on him for the x time signaling her orgasming before he came.





these last few days he had spend not doing much. He had teached all of them some martial arts to make them stronger. Everyone had amazing talent and whit his hypnosis he could make it even better.

He also found out that he could make them even prettier which although didn't make any differences in a few days he knew there would be great results in a longer time.

He had also made progress whit his maid Elly and was at the stage were he would take her seeing how crazy she became about him these last few days.

Right now he was standing before a massive gate whit his sister about to enter the ball.

A place where he would probably find some new women.


Hope this was good. The R18 was a bit different from normal but hope you liked the chance.