Creating A Yandere 2

P.O.V. { Hou Ai }

'My name is Hou Ai and i was the worlds best assassin.

I come from the Year 2100 (maybe change in future) were i was one of the most powerful people alive but then because of a trap i died.

But because of the mysterious necklace i was wearing I got reincarnated in this girls body with the same name as me.

She died because of her scheming cousin who was jealous of this girl's face and decided to kill her.

When I reincarnated I vowed to get revenge for my benefactor which I did.

I quickly got stronger with the necklace which could make you train ten times faster inside while also making plants and even water grow purer to a level it could even boost you martial realm.

I also found that this body had quite the few secrets and its talent wasn't as low as it seemed but for now i haven't found anything.

While on one side I was known as a young lady who returned from the dead suddenly full of talent I was also known as a mysterious doctor with medicine beyond peoples widest dreams.

Of course my reputation was only local but it wouldn't take long before it spread.

I did some little business while i got notified a big customer wanted to buy medicine so i went and their I met him.

He was without a doubt the most beautiful person i have ever seen but from my previous life i had seen a lot of pretty people and i wouldn't just fall in love because a pretty face.

Business went as expected and then he paid a lot more than medicine were currently worth making me smile.

My days continued with the usual. Teaching some people while meeting new ones.

I also met him again were he helped me even though it wasn't needed it was nice.

After a bit I decided to move to a bigger city while expending my power for my revenge.

But on the road I was attacked and kidnapped and before going unconscious i saw who it was.

Although i felt anger i couldn't help but see the sadness and my heart stung. I didn't love him but it just did'. She said monolouging.

Currently she is waking up in a room.

'Where am I. He clearly didn't kill me so he wants something. They also kept my mask showing they don't care'. She said thinking of what he wants.

She found the room was easy to escape but there were a lot of guards with strength she couldn't even feel. Although she had her pride she wasn't arrogant.


"Wear these clothes and then meet me outside". Said a guard after handing a pair of clothes to her before leaving again.

'Although the clothes are simple they aren't bad just like the room meaning they probably want me to be in good conditions'. She said while looking at the simple black and red robes.

She put them on while putting her old robe in her necklace for later.

"Follow me". Said the same guard as before in the same cold tone before leading her to a big tower.

'The place is big but its still going under construction. And even the workers are higher realm than me'. She looking around shocked.

They then arrived at a big tower.

"Here is the place where you will be working. Your job is to figure out a medicine for master. You will get more information from your fellow prisoners". Said the guard getting her attention.

'Their master must be 'him' and seeing how big this is and how many people there will be i can judge how serious it is'. She said in her mind trying to pick up as many details.

She then entered the tower which was mostly filled with herbs and working equipment while there were guards and also people in the same clothes as her who were clearly her co-workers.

There was one man waiting on her who was probably there to inform her of the things she would need to do.

"So you are the new one. Although you may be shocked and scared it isn't as bad as it seems and as long as you behave everything is alright". He said before leading her to a table full of papers.

"The most important things you need to know is... and that is about everything". He said informing her.

'His sickness seems quite serious but it shouldn't take too long to make a cure'. Although she thought that she wasn't planning to immediately start and first wanted to explore.

Although there were guards it wasn't prohibited from going outside the tower seeing there were also work equipment and although she lost her strength she would never loose her sneak skill.

It was one thing she had immense pride in and thought even the guards wouldn't be able to sense her.

"Can i go check the furnaces out and the other equipment". She said to him.

"Of course, just don't be gone for to long". He said having no problem with her excuse because he knows as a alchemist it is important to know with what equipment your working.

She then went outside and looked around for a bit before seeing a mansion which didn't fit for equipment raising her curiosity.

She also saw there were no guards making her even more curious.

She had some guesses but that wouldn't ruin her fun.

She went inside and realized that she could find no one before hearing grunts coming from a room.

She rushed to the room and went inside revealing 'him' rolling on the bed because of pain.

She took out her needles which she picked up and tried to repress his attack. Although she didn't have a cure it was also explained before how to repress it with acupuncture with that being one of the pats of research.

The problem was that with how he is rolling she couldn't start and because of his strength she couldn't hold him still.

Luckily she was able to hit a nerve in his body which should paralyze him giving her time to fulfill her treatment.

Although he kidnapped her she didn't care that much because she was an adventures spirit and this was a new adventure.

What she didn't know was that when she left her patient opened his eyes which resulted in seeing her. (This is meant not in the way that he was acting the sickness which he is but more of she cured him and now although his body is paralyzed he can see which resulted in him seeing her.)

The reason why he did this was because now he had a good reason to give her special treatment.

protagonist are special so you need to give them special treatment.


The reason why didn't upload last few days is because i still feel slightly sick and i am on vacation with my family giving me less time so that's why but i will probably still be able to upload every few days. like 2 or 3 or maybe 1, who knows.

Here is a bit of explanation.

The reason why Hou Ai isn't really mad at him for the kidnapping is also a bit because of her spirit but mostly because she is a protagonist meaning her life is a plot.

Thus every moment is a scene which results that this also became part of the plot and for that she can't hate him else it wont work.