Hot Night And Good Rewards

They both went back to the mansion where they went to their room. He wanted her and she could never reject him.

They both went in for a french kiss where he could taste he sweet saliva. He felt her tong embracing his and dancing around in her mouths while his explored all her parts of her mouth.

His hands went to her bubbly butt and molded it in all kinds of ways. Her butt was probably his favorite yet.

It was very firm while also being very soft which gave an amazing feeling on his hands which molded her ass cheeks.

He started undressing her revealing her naked body for the first time and it looked glorious.

Her amazing face with her dazzling golden eyes. Her body being fit filled with light muscles making her looking beautiful. Her jade like skin. Her 2 medium peaks standing tall while her little cherry on top fully erected. Her thighs which although weren't thick looked perfect. Plus her little waist which turned into her wide hips. And last her dripping pink little p*ssy.

He loved everything about her which shinned in elegance and coldness. She was his favorite.

He didn't wait and went. He started with her breast where he sucked her cherries with his mouth. Even without milk he could taste her.

His hands went to support her butt. He kneaded it like a dough without mercy.

And he also put his erected d*ck between her thighs and under her p*ssy while he kept grinding it there.

While this happened she was sucking on his neck like she was trying to suck his soul out.

Her lips which although not very plump were very soft and beautiful creating an amazing feeling.

And every bit he could feel her soak his d*ck with her juices because she orgasmed.

After a while they moved to the bed where he spread her thighs and going in face first.

He started licking her while tasting her nectar which tasted like a heavenly wine. Every time he drank a bit he wanted more and she offered it.

He also put his tong inside her teasing her walls getting beautiful moans out of her.


After a bit he felt her open her flood gates letting her orgasm in his mouth giving a whole glass of her nectar.


"Get in doggy style"

"~~AAHH~~Of course hubby"

She said going on her four limbs while giving an amazing view of her ass which stood out.



"Good girl"

He said before forcing himself inside and like he expected her hyem was already broken but he still felt resistance.

He loved forcing himself into their tight holes which were to little for his massive dragon meaning their walls were all over him.

He felt he tight c*nt holding his d*ck so close it felt like exploding.


He then started thrusting in and out off her tight c*nt which doesn't want to let him go.

He leaned to her and took a hand of her abyss black hair and forced her moaning face to face him and kissed her.

His free hand went to massage her amazing soft breast and pinch her nipples.

"You have an amazing c*nt"


After a while of thrusting in her S-grade cunt he felt close to coming.



She said before getting a massive load blown into her small p*ssy filling it to the brim and more.

He expected her to be unconscious so he wanted to wash himself before suddenly feel some soft arms holding him tight.

"Where is hubby going. I still wanted to make hubby feel good." She said in a pitiful tone.

"Don't worry i am not going anywhere". He said while turning around and giving her breast a rough squeeze which would have hurt any normal woman.

"Good". She said while pushing him on the bed and saddling him.

She put her small c*nt above his raging boner and when ready dropped down.


She kept going down and up making her ass smash on his thighs while her breast hypnotized his eyes.

He then put his hands on her nipples and anytime her squeezed she would moan even louder.


After this they went on for another round with her being the first woman who could do it. How she did he has no idea but he doesn't care.

Next morning

He woke up feeling hot skin on him with Ai'er holding him tight like she would never let go.

"Good morning hubby". She said giving him a sloppy morning kiss

"Good morning". He said before giving both her nipples a good suck.

They both clothed themself because he had told her yesterday that they would return to the capital.

But besides that he would watch the notifications he received yesterday.

[Ding! The host has conquered the Heroine Hou Ai and is rewarded with 4% of world conquest.

25%= 1) Martial founder realm 3 (Due to hosts already existing realm both shall be combined making it Martial Founder realm 3

2) Hypnosis web. Makes it possible for the hosts hypnotized people to get a hypnosis string which allows them to also hypnotized some one who is 1 mayor realm lower than them with the command the host gave. A person who is giving a command can also give commands if the host allows.

Due to the host his want for such item the system has added it as 1 of the rewards.

3) GrowerX2. While send a soul to a simulation which the host needs to make where their souls while grow up. With a soulless body the incubator will speed up their growth. Both items while make the growth 1 day into 356 days of growth.]

He was especially happy with this because now almost nothing could even injury him in this world and the hypnosis web is especially helpful to sully expand his power.

And the grower would of course be used on his daughters. It was basically tailor made for him.

3 days later

The journey was especially good not only because he had a beauty next to him but also because she had a secret space were not only growed herbs faster and better but cultivation went 10 times a fast.

He also hypnotized some servant in the Hou house who had quite the high realm starting his hypnosis web.

He had just arrived at the capital where he was awaited by his whole harem.

A full army of beauties who would do anything for him.

And he knows their number will only grow.