Banquet 2

This chapter won't contain any juicy stuff. the next will. This one will mostly contain information which could be fun to read but certainly won't be needed to understand the novel later on. It will contain things which could make it easier to follow but certainly not needed to understand.


Currently he was walking trough the crowd greeting some people.

"We greet the light of the empire". Said a group of people where also lord Diqiu was and his wife. The rest where just some friends of lord Diqiu he didn't care about.The light in the greeting came from Aurora which means light. And yes, him being the emperor was a change he made.

(It actually means dawn but its can also be a natural light display in the sky.)

"Yes it is good seeing lord Diqiu and his wife again". He said to the already older couple. Normally at their age they would be retired but their first son was very incompetent which was only later founded so they then did the deed again till they finally bared another heir which was currently 18 but and was doing things in the family but not officially head.

"I hope you have received my proposal about being a lot of minerals in large scale". He said things which wouldn't be true because he would just take over their family but still needed something to talk about.

"Yes, and although we are known to have a lot of underground minerals such a large amount will still need time before being able to get together". And just like he said their family did have the most underground minerals which lives up to their name.

"Of course I understand. I also now that such large operation would take a lot of manpower and we would gladly help".

And they kept talking a bit of business for a while. This was another reason why he hosted this banquet. To improve his political abilities and negotiation. Although he has a system and an ability which can make anyone his slave. He wants to improve in fields the system won't help in.

But of course he wouldn't forgot to do some fun things like have sex. After debating for a bit he decided to after the woman called Natalia who had been sending secret glances in his way thinking he won't notice.

He had decided because it was easier to keep Diqiu Chun here for more days without hypnosis.

Currently he was walking towards Natalia who was in a corner while seemingly being ignored by everyone. Which is strange with it being such a big banquet.

She was a woman with light brown hair and light brown eyes. She had a gentle facial construction and could be called pretty. Every time he looked at her he would not only have a strange possessive feeling but also something warning him from within.

Not like she was a threat but more like she wasn't everything she showed.

They both made eye contact and he could clearly see a hidden glint

"I greet the light of the empire. May I know what your highness wants from a simple woman like me.". She said bowing.

"I saw you being alone in the corner and wanted to make sure that all my guest are happy like a good host should do". He said while looking into her eyes.

"Wellz now thatzz the emperorzz hazzz dezided to talkz to mez why don'tz we go to tzhe garzden". She said while talking weirdly. When he heard her talk he felt slightly relaxed and strange. He felt happy for his high realm which probably helped him.

But for now he just wanted to find more about this mysterious woman.


'Hello, my name is Natalia which I gave to myself. I was born in the era where spiritual energy was still 1.5 times as much as now. It was a time when beast reigned supreme. Although there were beast stronger than me I was still very strong and respected.

Then humans came. At first they were just thought of as another animal race trying to become the number one. But everyone quickly realized they had the potential to do so. Not only had they one of the fastest reproduction but they also had clear hierarchy among them.

They quickly became stronger and stronger and although they also became more divided it didn't matter. They became supreme on this earth making them go from another animal race to something completely different. They became the race which was chosen by the world.

Then the depletion happened. Suddenly the Qi ( or whatever i called it) started becoming less and less thick. Many races thought it was because of the humans but this was said wrong by the elder beast.

They said it was just the natural order like life and death. Sometime there is a lot and sometimes it becomes less. But with this came the problem that beast of the Martial God and Founder realm couldn't or barely cultivate signalling the end for a lot of legends.

The reason the couldn't just use their ridiculous long life span to wait is because if the Qi density is to low than realms which surpassed that would be abandoned by the world. Or in other words, die.

But then a female human came saying that if beast in the God realm founded their fated bloodline in humans and became it. Their subconsciousness would live on.

This led to some beast becoming a bloodline while others just died of. The human who found this herself built an empire using her high realm and leader capability. With her as the empress and her four trusted comrades as The four Great Lords.

What was interesting is that while the four lords had a bloodline she herself didn't.

And then because of some previous injuries and the Qi depletion she died. Some say she lives in her bloodline while others say she just died.

And in the big Qi depletion many beats either went in seclusion or died.

And I was a a serpent who went into seclusion. After a lot of cultivation I finally reached the Martial Founder Realm'.

After this she then heard of the banquet. She killed the real Natalia and took her appearance and went in the banquet.

She went in to this to seduce the current emperor so she could become empress. Although she had a high realm she could still use the position as empress of such empire.

She would also use a skill she developed called 'Sweet Tongue' which made her words a sort of hypnosis and would make people in lower realm do it depending on the command.

P.O.V. Back to Wang Jing

When walking to a good spot in the garden I could see her do little things like wiggle her ass a bit or slightly push her breast forward and although not extremely beautiful it could do a lot to a normal man.

While walking he heard her talk more in the weird voice confirming his suspicion of it being some sort of hypnosis which made him more relaxed and would have dropped his guard if he didn't have such a high realm.