Travel 2

"You are very beautiful". He said stroking her face, it is true. She is very beautiful. And he saw that from only his compliment she already came.

"Wow, what a slut, coming from my compliment". He said now biting her earlobe.

"YES-yes but I am your slut". She said the words which made him like her even more.

"Yes you are". He said before taking her lips on his. Her soft plum red lips were amazing and after getting out of thee shock she started returning the kiss.

His hands went to her breast which were easy accessible by her dress. They were medium size but had an amazing softness.

He then went on to open her mouth with his tongue were he started exploring her mouth. His hands started pinching her nipple making her moan even harder in his mouth.


On of his hand left her breast and went down her soft body to her ass were he squeezed it hard. She had a small waist but big hips and her ass was amazing. The softness combined with her firmness was a very fine feeling.

After having enough off her body he trows her gently on the empty desk with her dripping pussy facing him. He opens her legs before diving with his tongue into her p*ssy, she then closes her legs sandwiching his face into her amazing sexy thighs.

His mouth was tasting her nectar which had a strong taste which even the best wine would fail in comparison. It was an amazing drink he would like to drink everyday. And her soft thighs hugging his face was a very welcome extra.

"~~AHHHHHA~~MY LORD, YOU ARE SO GOOD~~HYYAYA~~". She kept moaning while trowing praises his way which you could see he liked.

After making her cum several times with his face now full of her nectar he opened her legs before leaning forward and stealing her lips.

While his Big brother went to defile her other lips. Firstly he kept rubbing it on her slit making her moan harder before without warning went inside her amazing walls.

They enveloped his d*ck fully, squeezing him like a succubus would. They felt warm with a softness but also firmness.

His mouth holds her lips while his hands hold her breast squeezing them roughly.



Now only the moans and flesh slapping resounded in the room.

He left her mouth starting to kiss her body till her arrived at her nipple and started sucking it and biting it.

"~~AAHH~~MY LO~~HYYAHA~~RD YOU FEEL~~SOOOOOO~~ GOOOOOOD~~". She said cumming for the Xth time.

And with the tightness of her virgin walls it didn't take long before he would come into her small pussy.

"~~AHHHHHH~~My lord is inside me forever". She mumbled half asleep like a crazy person, Which he loved.

"Number 5".

"Yes master".

"From know on she will be part of my harem, dress her and take her to my room". He said before departing for his room were he found his 2 little succubus with their small bodies.

"Hello Big brother/Your highness". They said in union.

And it didn't take long before they were moaning under you like the sluts they are.

Next day

Wang Jing is currently on shore waiting till all his luggage is put on the boat. He was exited to go to Eril island. He had for a reason not send anyone to conquer it because he wanted it to be a surprise.

When all his luggage was on her went on board to his room. He was followed by his woman. He had alreayd quite the collection just here.

A young loli.

A developing loli.

An adult already developed woman.

The ones he could need more is a busty young woman, a busty adult woman and a mature woman.

But for know these beauties would be enough.

He took Zia's breast in his hand. Charlie's ass in another and Maria's lips on his.

3 days later

He has arrived at the port city of the kingdom of Rado which is not very important. He knows a bit of the kingdom because its less secretive than the tribe and he has concluded that it doesn't have anything that attracts him.

After a good f*cking of his woman with them unconscious he had decided to go tour the city. Nothing really exited him until he found an adventure at the adventure guild which is something this kingdom has because the royal and noble power isn't very strong.

What attracted him is a young adventure, female of course. She has brown hair with blue eyes. Young perky breast and a very good ass.

He approached her and said with hypnosis.

"You should follow me". He said and just as he said she started following him back to his mansion which is the biggest there is.

"From know on I am your client and you will do anything I ask for my quest which is becoming my slave". he said to her

"When I clap you will awaken".


"Mr Jing, I will do anything for this quest". She said with eyes full of determination.

"Okay, If you can make me come using your mouth and hand in 20 minutes we can talk more". He says taking out his big c*ck.

"Of course Mr Jing". She said exited that he gives her a chance to prove herself.

She first took it with her small hands admiring his beautiful tool. She started rubbing it up and down before giving it some licks.


Today was my last exams but sadly I do have some things to do but I have a lot more free time so I will try to make more chapters.

I please ask for the people who want to if you would kindly review me. It doesn't matter if its 1 star or 5 I just want to know what you think about it. Pls {begging emoji}.