Before Birth 2

"Son, what are you thinking about". Said his mother's voice. He looked at her and although she was pregnant in the late stages. This also caused her

breast and ass to become bigger making her still very charming. But he didn't want to f*ck her because he is afraid to hurt his daughters. So the only

thing he could do is some touching and kissing but he didn't care, he had enough other beauties to f*ck.

"For what did mom come to see me". He said curious.

"I just wanted to talk about our daughters". She said while taking place on his lap. This gave his crotch the chance to feel her bigger ass.

"Well, when they are old enough I will take them and make them my daughters". He said talking to the mother how he would f*ck his half sister/daughter.

"What a lucky girls they are". She said with envy but also happiness for them.

"Yes they truly are a pair of lucky girls". He said imagining how they would look.

After having a talk with his mother he went to his bedroom but not to have sex. Now he would purify his bloodline.

'System, use the bloodline purifier'. I said to my system.

And then I started slowly feeling my strength become less, not a lot but a difference. Then it stopped, and it started rising again till it reached my previous strength but it kept rising till I felt almost 2 as strong as before.

[Ding! due to the host's bloodline purity, the system is able to awaken the consciousness of the first person who started this bloodline and everyone who

sacrificed themself for it in the Martial God realm]

And just as he though, this was a way to contact the founder of the Wang empire, his great great...grandmother.

"Yes, do it". He said falling unconscious, but he arrived deep inside his unconsciousness. but he wasn't alone, before him was a great beauty.

"This descendant greets his ancestor". He said and although he didn't bow he did show his true respect.

"Its seems that my bloodline has brought a great talent beyond anything I have ever seen". She said with her emotionless face.

'System, can I hypnotize her'. He asked not being sure if it is possible.

[Yes, don't worry host.]

Receiving this signal he could hypnotize her but decided to wait for a bit.

"Ancestor, is there A away to bring you back to your body". He asked truly curious.

"Yes, but you need my body for that". She said.

"Don't worry ancestor, we have preserved your body trough the ages". He said before going out of his unconsciousness but now he felt a connection with her

in his mind.

'Ancestor, can you hear me'. He asked.

'don't worry, I can hear you'. She returned.

He went to our ancestor burial ground and then went to the very middle were he found a big casket. After opening he found my ancestor's body.

'Now put my hand on my body and try to push me out of your consciousness'. She said.

And just like he did, he put his hand on her forehead before trying his best to push her trough his arm to her body. And just as expected after a bit

he felt his connection fading. And he then saw his ancestor opening her eyes, and because the preserving of the Wang family she didn't even look like a


And without waiting he put his hand on her breast and gave it a squeeze.

"WHAT IS THIS TREACHEROUS DESCENDANT DOING". She screamed but quickly calmed down because off his hypnosis.

"Ancestor, I am the fated one. A god who you should worship". He said while also saying some other commands.

"You will awaken after I clap". He said before clapping.


When she regained focus he could see her eyes full of worship.

"My god, please forgive me for offending you". She said losing some off her emotionless from before but still having an unmatched elegance.

"HMM, I need you to show me your faith". He said very clearly meaning something in the sexual sense.

"Than you for giving me this opportunity". She said with happiness on her face she could serve her god.

But he didn't have an old burial ground fetish so he brought her to his bedroom before taking her.

"Now serve your god". He said loving the power he has over someone who is supposed to be the founder of the Wang empire.

"Thank you for this chance". She said before she started undressing him. After he is totally naked she did the same with her elegant robes which hid

a beautiful body. Her small breast with a beautiful pink cherry on top. Her face which looked cold and elegant but also full of worshiping and love.

Her fit white body. Her small cute butt and her fir thighs. Although she didn't have big curves, she had the perfect curves for her body.

"Give me thigh job". He said wanting her to be my first.

So she laid herself on my body squashing her soft breast on his chest. She then took his d*ck between her fit but soft thighs. She tried her best

giving a hard pressure on his d*ck making it feel very good.

After finding the way to do it she started focusing on him holding his face while kissing him. And after geting pleasured by her thighs to the max, he

came all over her ass thighs and legs.

"You can collect my cum and eat it later". He said seeing her face, having experience from his previous girls who were very addicted to his cum.

"Now you can give me a feet job". He said. He didn't know why but he wanted to explore all kinds of things with her. Although her curves weren't the

biggest but her body had just this amazing charm and this al out beauty. Even her feet looked majestic.

She went to his feet wiggling her ass before sitting down and moving her feet around his d*ck. She started moving it up and down while tightly holding it

with her pretty feet. And although a bj or tj was better it definitely had a good feeling.

Her feet were soft and smooth and while holding his d*ck they felt very nice/

After also coming all over her feet he gave get the green light to start eating his cum which she did by bringing her foot to her mouth. And even with

licking a her foot full of cum she still looked very graceful.

After having done his ancestor he went back to his study for something very important. His harem members clothes. He wanted to make personalized erotic

cloths. Since there wouldn't be a man in 100KM to the second and all the woman were hypnotized and wouldn't stare. He didn't mind having his girls look

good for him. This was of course only in the inner palace.

And although he wasn't the most creative man in the erotic department he was the only person for the job.

For his maids he had of course decided on a french maid outfit with some erotic changes.

For his little sister he had decided a cute bunny pj with bunny ears. Although it wasn't very erotic. It specialized on her main factor, her cuteness.

For Wang Mei he had decided a tight dark dress with revealing features. (Like in her picture.)

For Chen Qi, he had decided on a modern student uniform with a see touch t-shirt and no bra. This showed her gentle features while also showing some s*x appeal. (A bit like what you can see in her picture)

For Chen Yi he had also decided on a tight dark dress but unlike my mother's, hers had showed more skin trough a see trough dark silk.(Like the one in the picture.)

Then Elizabeth he gave her beautiful full dress which definitely wasn't suited for a young girl. It revealed her shoulders, stomach and her thighs while also showing her small breast.

Then For Nicole he had given her a very light almost see trough whit dress which was almost the same as his mother's but a bit different.(Like in picture)

Aria would receive a western man attire having a tight upper suit and tight pants.

Maria would receive slutty nuns robe and although he body wasn't very developed it was still fantastic.

Charlie would receive a onsies which highlighted her cuteness while also showing some s*x appeal.

Hou Ai would receive short's which almost showed all her thighs while having a sport bra for her breast.(Shorts from a picture.)

Diqui Chun would also receive a short skirt and a small corset (not really a corset but looks the same) which only ended a bit after he nipples showing a lot of skin.

Zia asked for a slutty dress which I gave to her because she said she wanted to wear dresses. I guess every girl has a dream. Her dress was beautifully decorated but the most beautiful thing about it was the body it was showing, it was very revealing.

De Xi is wearing a robe hugging her small breast while showing the nipples and ending just above her ass.(like her picture but a bit more slutty)

Selene was wearing a armor which was only by her breast and p*ssy showing her beautiful body.(like her picture)

And Chloe was wearing dog ears with a collar and a dog tail. She was wearing a bikini showing most of her oversized breast and also a very small thing covering a small part off her p*ssy and nothing of her ass. (clothes like the picture.)

Wang Xin receives a red, beautifully decorated, silk robe which was used like a bathrobe.(like the red thing in her picture)

And while creating all their clothes was drinking a juice, a special juice. It is the juice of his woman. currently he is drinking angel Queen's and Chloe's

juices which was one of his favorite combinations.( look I am a virgin so I don't know if it is possible but just accept it.)

He felt a bit bored, not from all the s*x but he wanted something new. His daughters would be something new but her also wanted something else.

And seeing that his conquer % is rising rapidly he would probably soon be able to go to a different world to conquer.

So most of his guards were out there conquering every person in existence and because of them being stronger only very few strong kingdoms are still alive

because they have someone to strong to be conquered by his guards. For that he would sadly need to go himself but that could wait after his daughters were


In the mean time he is waiting for his daughters he had brought some changes to his own harem. It would be made into 3 tiers. Tier 3 is the slave/maids/

s*x slaves, it didn't matter really how they are called but they are not very important but they look good and are there if he wants to just f*ck someone

Tier 2 or also called his outer harem are people who are pretty and strong, all his important guards are among them, and although they aren't very

important they have their uses and always follow him so more chances.

And then lastly Tier 1 or his inner harem are all the girls he feels possessiveness for.

He did this to bring more sense of order in his harem.