World Academy

Although he wanted to f*ck them, he decided to take some time and actually act as a student in this school. This probably comes from his Max side who wants to see the real side of rich people.

"Mister Jing, I will show you to your dorm room". Said an older man who seemed to be the principle.

"Okay". He said before entering the building.

Once he arrived at his room the principle left. The room was incredible luxury. For his Max side who wasn't rich and never saw something so futuristic it was special and for Wang Jing although the luxury side didn't shock him but the futuristic did shock him.

Everything was incredible in the room. He sat on his bed before calling out his guard.

"Number 3". He said calling out the highest numbered guard left with him.

"What does master wish for". Said the woman kneeling before him.

"I want you to get 20 guards who will slowly start conquering this world. Do not touch the powerful people, just take care of the bigger group". He ordered his guard. He didn't want to hypnotize the rich people because he wanted to see the true rich society. While hypnotizing the 'poorer' people wouldn't affect that and if he did it now, he didn't need to do it later on which would cost time.

But now the rewards.

[The host has found this new world and received the new quest to fully conquer it. The milestones will be the same.

Congratulations for reaching 0% conquered if this world.

1) Weaker mutation serum: While give you a random mutation without any side effect.]

(Mutations level Weaker-Medium-Advanced-Divine-Godly)

Because he didn't make anyone really loyal to him and only made those leaders accept his deal, he didn't have more rewards. He didn't really care for the rewards as much as he cared for woman here.

But the mutation serum did seem quite interesting, so he immediately used it. He felt it course trough his body. Spreading a warm feeling.

And then 5 minutes later, he already felt the change.

He received the ability of telekinesis, which was as strong as his awn strength. And although it wasn't super strong nor useful for him, but if this is what a weaker mutation is, the godly must truly be godly.

After training his telekinesis for a while, he went to sleep in this amazing bed. And after sleeping till morning, he woke up and took a long warm bath.

After leaving the bathroom wearing only a bathrobe which would make anyone have a blood nose. he dressed himself in the school uniform which clearly didn't hide his beauty. It was a typical private school uniform.

After leaving his dorm, he went to his classroom were he would have his first class which would start soon.

"Student Jing please introduce yourself". Said the teacher who was standing before 21 students with our Mc next to him.

"Hello class, My name is called Jing Wang". He said holding his introduction short to make a cold and indifferent aura. And after the boring class he was surrounded by mostly girls.

"Jing, do you want to eat lunch together with me". Said his bank mate who strangely enough was also Kim. She was holding his arm close to her chest while acting coy. Most would mistake them as long time friend or lovers.

"Hhhm, Since I don't know the school it would be nice to have some one help me". He said keeping up an appearance like he didn't know what she was doing. He had decided he would try to get the girls in his bed without hypnosis and only after that hypnotizing them.

And for that a good reputation would be good. And his first target looked like she was already infatuated with him.

"Good, this noona will take care off you". She said trying to look cute.

"Than I must thank you later". He said having another meaning in thanking than the students here understood.

So like that another 3 lessons passed before lunch were we went to the cafeteria which looked nothing like Max's previous cafeteria. After getting a luxury meal he and Kin Ae-Cha sat on a table which was quickly filled with other woman.

"So there are 2 cafeteria's"? Said Jing after talking with Ae-Cha.

"Yes, I chose this one today because there are less people here". Said Ae-Cha. After eating our meal we went to do a tour off the school. Were we passed the dorms.

"This here is my dorm room". She said showing a pink room which looked like it was own by a princess.

"Ae-Cha, I want you here in this bed naked". He said in her ear taking her from behind.

"Wh-What a-are you saying". She said embarrassed. Although she liked him and expect him to be hers soon, she didn't think he wanted to do it in her dorm. And she had never done it before.

"Don't do anything, just let me do all the work". He said undressing her showing her beautiful naked body.


I know its smutless and not very long but I wanted to make this now so tomorrow can be smut. I also want to say that not every girl will be 1 chapter and then in bed.

Kim Ari: Is the actual daughter of the Kim family who got killed by her 'sister' Kim Ae-Cha and then regressed. She is now back for revenge with something special.