Shadowless Night: Establishing The Relationship

'System, when I use the heroine catcher. How will the time in this world run'? He asked his system. Although he loved this beautiful new playground full of play, he was very curious and his Max side really wants to fulfil some of its desire.

[When using the heroine catcher all the worlds the host has conquered or is conquering will freeze in time.]

His target was a manga that Max read, although it wasn't super well known. It does have some beauties inside it. And he will probably get another heroine catcher in the future.

He gave his noona's breast one good squeeze again before doing the deed.

'System, use the heroine catcher on shadowless night fiction'. He said expecting to get teleported but just disappointed there was more to do.

[Does the host wish to use an identity of this world or an be unknown in the world?]

'Does the first option mean being in someone else's body or my own'? He asked the most important question. He could never conquer or f*ck his new girls into someone else's body.

[The host's soul will go into another body, which is selected to be the most useful for the host. Once the host's soul is inside that body, we can take the host's body and change the reality of that world making everyone think your body is the original. So yes, the host will be in your own body.]

'Good, than use the first option'. He said and to his disappointment again, he still didn't teleport.

[Before the host can go, you need to choose your starting point? The beginning of the fiction or a chosen chapter.]

'The morning after she did the oath thing. Before she got in trouble with those other guys in chapter 7'. He and know he did teleport. He didn't really feel as something changed besides his surroundings.

[Does the host wish to receive the memories of this current body? It won't change anything about the host.]

'Yes'. he said while looking at his surroundings. It was a beautiful room with a western style. Although it couldn't be ranked with some of the luxury he had seen, it was still very luxury.

And on the memory side, he had received them and found out that he was in the body of Ricardis Dariu Ilabenia. Although his face was much more beautiful than Ricardis, the both had silver hair and blue eyes which is quite funny.

Firstly he clothed himself and then to his office.

"Captain Stass". He called the captain, who could become a useful dog.

"Yes your highness". He said giving a 45° bow.

"Get me Dame Rosalin. I have something private to talk to her". He said saying the last part to all his guards.

"A-Are you sue your highness". He said confused knowing their history.

"Yes, I have an important task for her". He said being the only one who truly knew the meaning.

"O-Okay". He said calling someone to get Dame Rosalin. He is the captain, how could he do it.

After waiting for a while, Dame Rosalin arrived in her uniform. And although it hidden quite a lot of her curves, it gave her a certain charm.

"Is there anything I can do for your highness". She said completely emotionless, which just made her more charming.

"I have a serious problem, it could even threaten my life". He said taking a pause while watching her reaction. In the manga, she made it her life goal to protect the second prince (him). "I will need your full body for this mission, are you ready to dedicate your life to protect me". He said now standing before her.

He was close to her beautiful face which didn't have any emotions on it. He long wavy black hair which looked like darkness itself. Her beautiful shining green eyes looked sharper than an knife.

"What can I do for your highness"? She said with full determination and her sword out. She would make sure that nothing could harm his highness.

"First of all, we need to remove your clothes". He said while already taking off her cape which revealed her body in the uniform. He started with undoing the 'buttons' of her uniform. This revealed her medium size breast inside her black bra. (I know bra don't exist but think of it like a modern one.) It also showed her fit stomach which looked very sexy.

After that he started undoing her pants which revealed her toned legs and beautiful thighs. It also showed her ass and panties which were also black. He loved how he could do all these things without her rejection. Although her brother and Raymond did teach her how to behave Infront of him, they never expected him to ask something like this, neither did the world.

He stared going inside her panties while playing with her clint which were slightly wet. He would make sure to change that. He stared putting his finger inside her p*ssy. It was warm but also felt cold. He started playing with her clint for a while.

"~~HHHmm~~". He heard some moans from above which clearly were tried to be contained. She didn't want to make strange sounds while doing her mission. And when he looked up to investigate the sound. He found her beautiful emotionless face which was blushing while slightly panting.

"It seems that because of your body, I have been distracted from the mission. I will punish you for that later. But for now, you need to do your mission". He said while undressing and slapping his c*ck on the table. After admiring her face of awe which looked at his beautiful mighty c*ck, he went to his comfy seat where he sat down.

"Kneel down before me". he said which she did. She looked beautiful like that.

"Do you know what a bj is". He said while already expecting the negative answer.

"No, your highness". She said with shame.

"You just need to take it in your mouth, and then start moving up and down while sucking". He said and although eh explained it to her, he had already put his hands on her head while gripping her hair

And just as ordered and guided. She put his big, massive d*ck inside her warm and strangely cold again mouth. It felt amazing.

Under his guidance she started moving her head up and down on her mouth while sucking as hard as possible. Although she was worse than a no experienced person, according to the manga. She was a quick learner and soon would be a master bj giver.

And although her skill were terrible, with her very comfy mouth. She was able to get him eventually.

"You need to get as much as possible, it is my holy seed". He said while unloading inside her moth.

"Of course you highness". She said while shallowing the cum inside her mouth and body, then cleaned his d*ck before she even started licking the ground.

"Make sure to tell no one about this, it could threaten my protection if you tell someone else or do this to someone else. This is something which you can strictly only do on me". He said while also clothing her. He liked treating doll.

"Of course you highness". She said looking like a proper knight. He had made sure the office and she didn't smell of s*x before sending her out.

Once she was out of his office, he focused onto something else he had realized that he received here.

'System, will the holy power after I leave this world'. He asked his system. He could guess he had the powers because they are needed for the plot, but this was the real question.

[Yes, the host will retain the powers he gains from the body he is inside. But, they can be sealed if they are too strong for the host]

'Good, this could be very useful'. He said thinking about the possibilities he has.


I hope you like this chapter even though it is fanfic. I don't think it makes that much of a difference. Also, maybe I will include some other girls in this from the manga.