"Jacky answered the phone but did not say anything until Deanna spoke, ""Jacky."""
"Phew... Jacky heaved a sigh of relief. Sitting down, he asked, ""You were taking a shower?"""
"Deanna had an obsession with taking a shower. In fact, she would be showering whenever she didn't answer his call. This was the only time Rayan picked up the phone."
"Deanna thought for a moment. ""Yeah, the baby feels a little cold, so I took a hot shower."" In actuality, she was the one feeling cold."
"Jacky frowned deeply, ""Is it very cold?"""
This is what happens in spring; I feel exceptionally cold during this time. Deanna blow-dried her hair as she chatted with Jacky.
Have you gone to a doctor?
I did. Nothing out of the ordinary; I'll be fine in a few days. Jacky...
"Jacky hummed lightly. Deanna pursed her lips, ""I want to go back to school. The semester's starting soon, isn't it?"""
"Stumped, he answered, ""Yeah."""