Chapter Ten

My alarm clock starts going off. I reach over and cut it off. I feel well rested and thank goodness I do. I have a busy day ahead of me. I went to a movie last night with Katie but came home after that. They were heading to a party. I wanted to get some rest. I've never been the party type. I need to get up my servant will be in here soon to do my hair and makeup for graduation. I get my hair dried and start laying my clothes out and I hear her knocking on my door. Come on in, I said. She enters smiling.

"Now, let's get to work. I was thinking a French braid would work well with your cap."

That sounds good. She got to work on my hair and had it finished in no time. My makeup was done just as quick. I got up and put on my dress and grabbed my cap and gown. I headed down the stairs for family breakfast. We ate hurriedly so we could get to the school.

We arrived at the school with our caravan of suvs. Everyone knew when we arrived. I rushed over to Katie and our classmates. We are all hugging each other. Some were in tears. Some had a hangover from the parties last night. And it really showed on them. It is an exciting but sad day. This will be the last day some of us will ever see each other. Katie, how was the party?

"It was ok. I didn't stay long. So many people were drinking and I didn't want to partake in that. I'm sure Todd wouldn't have approved if I had."

No, he probably wouldn't have. I went home and took a relaxing bath and talked to Caleb.

"While you were in the tub?"

Yes, but don't be thinking like that. He was a gentlemen. Didn't say anything out of the way.

"It wouldn't have surprised me if he did. You are his mate. You know things are running through his mind."

I'm sure they are but I already told him that I'm a virgin.

"You told him? What did he say."

I first told him I had never had a boyfriend. He was shocked.

"I'm sure he was. Did he tell you anything like that about him?"

He said he had a long time girlfriend but they have broken up and he isn't a virgin. Do you see Caleb? I asked Katie. I was looking around frantically. I could smell his aroma.

"No, I haven't seen him." Kate says.

Maybe its just my nerves messing with me.

The principal asked us all to get in line. Music started to play. We are beginning our walk to the football field to start Graduation. Soft music was playing from the band as we all filed in row by row in front of our chairs. The music stopped and we all sat down. Our pack Minister stood up saying a prayer over everyone in attendance and for us to have successful futures. The valedictorian Matt stood up and gave his speech but most of us weren't paying him any attention. Finally, the principal approached the lecture and begin his speech. A few of the teachers got up and said a few words about our graduating class. Then a photographer stepped toward the stage. I still smell Caleb. The principle stepped back forward. He then started calling us one by one up to receive our diploma. It seemed like forever getting to my name. Then I hear.

"Ms. Erica Marie Taylor".

I walk across the stage to shake the principal's hand and accept my diploma. I pause for the picture and smile seeing my family in the stands. But then I glance to the side of the stands. Caleb is standing there. My butterflies in my stomach come back immediately. I try to calmly walk off the stage and back to my seat. I don't think I even heard the others names called. I was a complete ball of nerves now knowing that Caleb was here. I had really been smelling him. Suddenly everyone around me stands up and throws their caps into the air. It's over. I'm now a High School Graduate.

Everyone started to dismiss to their families. So, I head to mine. My mother and father both hug me and congratulate me. Then I see Caleb step up beside my father. They shake hands. I wasn't expecting you to come today.

"I wouldn't miss your graduation. Congratulations my darling. I'm so proud of you. Are you ready to leave? Your new home awaits you."

Wait what? I'm leaving now. This soon after graduation?

"Yes," He says.

I haven't finished packing my clothes. Are we going by to get my things.

"Don't worry as soon as you left for graduation your staff started packing your things and it all has been sent to your new leaving quarters."

I turn to my parents with a panicked look. My mom spoke up and said.

"My sweet girl you will be fine. We will all be in touch."

I hugged them all again and told them I love them. Caleb takes me by the hand and surrounded by his security we walk toward his suvs.

I sit in the backseat with Caleb still in shock over having to leave my family so soon. He reaches over and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Honey everything is going to be ok. You'll see. You are my mate we are destined to be together."

He paused for a moment. "You look so beautiful."

Thank you, I told him finally looking into his eyes. I knew doing that makes him even more irresistible to me. He pulled me closer and kissed me so strong it was like we were lovers that had been separated by war and he had just returned home. Both our breathing became more intense and his hands began to wonder around my curves and one toward my breasts. I pulled away. I told him stop we are in a car and then I ducked my head. He takes his hand and places it under my chin. Raising my chin.

"Don't worry I'm not going to pressure you into anything. I'm just so attracted to you. And I'm glad you haven't ever been with anyone else. That makes you even more special to me. It just means you are mine and only mine."

I smile at him and he kisses me gently. He keeps me pulled up tight next to him. I'm really enjoying the closeness. Its not like I don't want to have sex with him. I know I shouldn't yet. But with him being my mate it makes him really hard to resist. We sit there and enjoy the ride back to his palace together.