"Honey, wake up its morning."
I open my eyes to see Caleb staring at me. I sit straight up. You stayed the whole night. Someone is probably going to see you leaving my room.
"Baby, I don't think it really matters anymore."
He is looking at my neck. You marked me last night! Oh, No. Now everyone will know what we've done.
"Erica, calm down. They would see it after our wedding, anyway. It will be fine."
That would be after our wedding. It doesn't really matter after the wedding. I was supposed to stay in my room until my heat cycle is over to keep this from happening.
"You stayed in your room. I didn't. It's my fault. I've got to get changed so I can get to the office. I'll talk to you in a little bit. I Love you."
I Love you, too.
I go into the bathroom to check my neck in the mirror. There is no way I can hide that, especially during the Summer. I do have a short-sleeve mock turtle neck. I'll save that to wear if it doesn't heal before Monday. I'll just stay in here until then. That way I'll hopefully only have to hide it from Caroline.
"Ms. Taylor. I have your breakfast. I'm going to put it in the sitting area. Is that, ok?"
Yes, Caroline, that will be great. Thank you. I hear the door shut. So, I come out of the bathroom and go to my closet to get dressed. A t-shirt and sweat pants should be fine. No one will be seeing me. I guess I'll have my breakfast. Aww. There is a red rose on the tray and a note. I open it. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I Love you forever. Caleb" He is so amazing.
"Knock, knock. It's your future mother-in-law. Dear, are you ok? Oh, my goodness. He marked you."
Shh. I don't want anyone to know. It still hurts a little. I tried to keep my distance but he came to my room last night. I shouldn't have let him in.
"It will be ok. Caleb is your mate. Have you told Caroline? She can get you some ointment."
No, I stayed in the bathroom when she came in.
"I'll get her. Caroline, we need your assistance."
"Coming. What can I….My dear, Ms. Taylor? Your neck. You've been marked. I'll be right back with some ointment."
She is only gone for a minute and comes running back into my room and shuts the door behind her.
"Ms. Taylor, why didn't you show me this when I brought your breakfast in?"
I was afraid for anyone to know. We were so close to the wedding and I just had to come into heat. I just couldn't stop him.
"It is ok sweetie. We have both been there. It is part of being a female wolf. It is in us to give into our mate. At least you both were careful."
Luna McClay. I hate to discuss this with you. But we weren't.
"I just assumed at there is some type of protection since he had went as far as marking you."
No, nothing. He said he didn't have anything and are mates. It would be ok. He said he would pull out. And he didn't.
"Oh dear. It is so difficult for a man to think about anything else when he is with his mate and she is in heat. They will lose all control of themselves."
Please, Caroline, Luna McClay. Don't tell anyone.
"We won't dear. We will leave you. I'm sure Caroline has things to do and I'm going to see how the Alpha is doing."
Thank you, Both of you. They leave my room and I apply the ointment to my neck. It already starts to feel better. I lay back on the couch and try to relax. Just go over in my head is there anything else I have forgotten about for the wedding. I must have dozed off. Wow it is close to 5pm. I must have still been tired. Someone is knocking on my door. Who is it?
Come in. I look horrible I hope he doesn't notice.
"Hi Erica. I wanted to come by and talk with you. I went down to see my dad and they have him moving himself around in a wheelchair. I asked Caroline if she could bring both of us our dinners to your room. Is that ok?"
Yes. I've missed you today. And I'm so glad your dad has made some improvements.
"I was also wondering if I may stay the night with you again. Tonight?"
Ummm. Caleb do you really think we should? What if we can't control ourselves again?
"I really don't think it would matter. You may already be pregnant."
That is true. I've been so worried that I am pregnant.
"I thought you want kids."
I do I just thought we would have a little more time. There is a knock at the door. Come in.
"I have your dinners. I hope you both enjoy. If you need anything else let me know."
We go over to the sitting area, take our plates and eat. Caleb keeps glancing over to me. Is something wrong?
"You still haven't given me an answer about tonight."
You can stay. My inner wolf was screaming, let him stay. I know she wants to mate with him again and I know that is what he wants to do. When a she wolf comes into heat all her mate can think about is mating. It is a primal instinct to create life. I know that is what happened last night. I'm sure it will happen again tonight. If I do end up pregnant, at least it will be my mate's offspring and we will be married soon. We finish our meal. Caroline comes back in, gathering our dishes and smiling at both of us.
"You two have a wonderful night. I'll see you in the morning."
Caleb looks at me with a surprised look on his face. I kind of timidly smile back at him.
"Does she know I'm staying over with you?"
Caleb your mom and Caroline both know about last night.
"How? I thought you were trying to keep it secret."
It was the mark on my neck. I hid it from Caroline at first. But then your mom came to my room and she saw it. Then she got Caroline to get me some ointment for it. I'm planning on wearing a turtle neck to hide it when my mom and Katie arrive Monday. Your mom also knows that we didn't have protection.
"Oh, well. She knows you are my mate. You are in heat and things happen. Let's go lay down. I can't wait to be as close to you as I can be."
He says that with a huge smile on his face. We go over to the bed and he is taking his clothes off on the way. He is already naked when he reaches the bed. Caleb jumps into bed and pats is hand on the sheets in front of him wanting me to join him. I take off my clothes and slide in next to him. Chills run over my body. My wolf is excited to be close to her mate. I'm wanting him to make love to me so bad. I lean in and start kissing him, moving to his neck.
"Honey, are you horny?"
Very, I say. I need you so bad. He immediately jumps on top of me and starts rubbing my pussy with this hand. He slides a finger in.
"I nodded. He moves his hand and slides his massive, hot erection into me. It doesn't hurt like it did the first time. But I'm still sore from it. His cock feels so good. Caleb starts moving his hips in a circular motion. Oh, my god. I'm going to cum already. My pussy starts tightening and loosening. I grab him so tight and scream. He starts thrusting faster and faster. I'm so wet now. Caleb starts to moan and grunt. Thrusting faster and faster. He starts sucking on my neck where he had marked me the night before. I'm moving my hips along with the motion of his thrusts. We are in perfect rhythm with each other. He bites down on my neck again as he thrusts in hard and holds it in me. I feel the hotness of his cum entering my body. The warmth it feels so good. It sends me into another orgasm. He releases my neck from his mouth. Looks at me and smiles.
"That was even better than the first time, baby. I'm sorry I bit you again. I just couldn't resist."
It's ok Caleb. He gets off of me and we spoon. I reach up to my neck and wipe my hand across it. I think his saliva must be running down my neck. No, it's blood. I get up out of bed and head to the bathroom.
"Are you ok, honey?"
Erica you are so wet. Are you ready for me?"
I think so. I look in the mirror and where he had marked me is bleeding. He bit me hard enough to bring blood this time. I'm bleeding, I said. Caleb jumps up and runs to the bathroom with me.
"From where?"
He says franticly. He runs his hand between my legs. No, I say. On my neck. He looks at it and grabs some tissue to stop the bleeding.
"I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I guess where I had marked you before made it easier for me to break through your skin. I'm so sorry."
It doesn't hurt bad at all. It's just bleeding. I'll be ok. The bleeding stops and I apply some of the ointment. Then we head back to bed. I'm laying there in his arms and I can feel his excitement growing again and he starts kissing me. I feel his hands both cupping and squeezing my breasts.
"Baby, I need you. Can I?"
I turn to my back.
"NO, baby. Let's do it doggy style."
He rolls me over and pulls me up on my hands and knees. He then pushes his cock into me with such force I almost fall on my face. He has a hold of me pulling me into him as he thrusts. It's so rough but it feels so good. My pussy was still full from his cum and I can feel the wetness running down my legs. I can feel myself about to climax. He moans then howls. Caleb thrusts hard and pulling my hips into him. I scream in pleasure. I feel his hot cum spill into me. He releases me from his tight grip. And he lays back in the bed. My body hurts. I lay back down next to him. I love him so much and it feels so good when he is in me. Even after two times tonight my body still wants him. It's like I can't get enough of him. I somehow fall sleep.