Chapter 3

The next morning.

Chen Qing habitually got up early. When Xia Xue got up, she had already prepared breakfast.

Thinking of what she said last night, Xia Xue felt a little guilty. When she was about to apologize to Chen Qing, the doorbell suddenly rang. Xia Yu's voice came from outside. "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, open the door. I'm Xiaoyu."

Hearing this, Xia Xue was furious. When Xia Yu came here in the past, her first name was always herself. But now, she directly called him brother-in-law. Even if she liked Chen Qing, she couldn't be so bold.

Women were strange creatures. When they encountered emotional things, it was easy for them to think nonsense. Obviously, Xia Xue could not get rid of this thought.

Xia Xue went to open the door and asked directly, Xiaoyu, what's the matter?

"Sis, I'm here to find my brother-in-law." As she spoke, Xia Yu walked in. Xia Xue immediately felt as if she had been ignored and her expression was extremely ugly.

At a glance, Xia Yu saw the breakfast on the table. She walked over to smell it and said with a smile, "It smells so good. Brother-in-law, is this made by you? It seems that I came at the right time."

Chen Qing nodded with an awkward smile.

"Men who can cook now are simply rare animals. I didn't expect my brother-in-law's cooking skills to be so good," Xia Yu said with a smile.

Xia Xue's tender right hand held the door handle tightly. She was so angry that she almost died. "What are they doing? Are they showing off their love?"

Although Xia Xue felt that she did not like Chen Qing, no matter what, Chen Qing was still her nominal husband. Even if Xia Yu wanted to steal her husband, it was too much.

"I made it casually. We didn't eat it either. Let's eat together." Chen Qing went to the kitchen to get a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

As soon as she came out of the kitchen, she saw Xia Xue with a straight face and said coldly, "Eat more if it's delicious. I'll give you my share." After that, she took the bag and went to the company, leaving Xia Yu and Chen Qing to look at each other.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong with my sister? She doesn't seem to welcome me." Xia Yu frowned.

Of course, Chen Qing didn't know that Xia Xue was jealous, so he said with a smile, "Don't think about it. She is busy in the company."

Xia Yu was 21 years old, four years younger than Xia Xue and Chen Qing. She was a young girl in the prime of her life. She was also extremely beautiful. With a slender waist and a lotus face, she was a rare beauty.

During the meal, Xia Yu said tentatively, "Brother-in-law, I know that you have suffered a lot in the past two years. But after all, brother-in-law is the son-in-law of the Xia family. Now that the Xia family is in big trouble, brother-in-law can't ignore it, can he? Now Grandpa forced Sister Xue to beg Li Hongjiu. If brother-in-law doesn't show up, Sister Xue will be miserable."

"I want to take care of it, but I can't do anything about it. The Li family is famous in Nanchuan City, and the Xia family can't protect themselves. What can I do?"

Although Chen Qing said so, in any case, he would never let his wife sleep with others, let alone Xia Xue was his savior.

Xia Yu suddenly put down her chopsticks and looked at Chen Qing seriously. "Brother-in-law, don't hide it from me. In fact, you are the young master Chen Qing who went missing in the Chen Family in the provincial capital two years ago, right?"

Chen Qing raised his eyebrows. Yesterday in the Xia family, he had a vague feeling that Xia Yu had guessed his identity. Otherwise, Xia Yu would not have helped him like this. But Xia Yu was smart. She did not reveal his identity on the spot. Otherwise, if the news spread, her enemy would soon find the Xia family.

At this point, Chen Qing couldn't hide it even if he wanted to. He could only say seriously, "Little Yu, regarding my identity, I hope you can keep it a secret. You can't let a third person know. Otherwise, not to mention me, even your Xia family will be exterminated."

"Ah?" Xia Yu's face was full of panic. "Brother-in-law, is the matter that serious? Fortunately, I didn't tell anyone. I promise you that this matter will definitely rot in your belly. But brother-in-law, can you help the Xia family get through this difficulty?"

Chen Qing pondered for a few seconds. "Let me think about it."

If Chen Qing stepped forward to help the Xia family, his true identity would very likely be exposed. This was exactly what Chen Qing was worried about.

After breakfast, Xia Yu had nothing to do, so she pestered Chen Qing to go out with her. In fact, Xia Yu wanted to know more about Chen Qing. A young master from the provincial capital should be respected in the Xia family, which was beyond Xia Yu's understanding.

In the afternoon, Xia Yu suggested that she go to the company to pick Xia Xue up from work and then go to eat hot pot.

The Xia family had its own group with more than ten subsidiary companies, and Xia Xue worked in one of them.

When they arrived at the company, Xia Yu suddenly pointed to a black Mercedes-Benz outside the company and said, "Brother-in-law, look, that's Li Hongjiu's car. What is he doing here?"

Chen Qing had seen Li Hongjiu several times. He was in his early 30s and looked handsome. He usually wore a pair of glasses and looked very gentle.

At this time, a beautiful figure came out. Xia Xue was wearing a black professional skirt. Her beautiful figure was outlined and her delicate oval face made her extremely beautiful.

Seeing Xia Xue heading straight for Li Hongjiu's car, Xia Yu hurriedly said, "Brother-in-law, Sister Xue wants to get in Li Hongjiu's car. Stop her!"

Chen Qing was not a fool. Of course, he knew what this meant. It seemed that Xia Xue could not bear the pressure of Xia Changhe and was going to exchange her body for the safety of the Xia family.

What a silly woman!

Even if she went to bed with Li Hongjiu, the Li family would not let the Xia family off.

Chen Qing cursed in his heart. He hurried over to hold Xia Xue's wrist and said coldly, "Go home with me!"

"Chen Qing, why are you here?" Xia Xue frowned and subconsciously shook off Chen Qing's hand. For the first time in two years, Chen Qing held her hand, which caught her off guard.

Xia Yu also walked over quickly and said, "Sister Xue, are you stupid? Why should you bear the consequences of Xia Jun's trouble? Besides, are you worthy of your brother-in-law by doing this?"

Xia Xue also showed an apologetic look.

At this time, Li Hongjiu came out of the car and said with a faint smile, "Chen Qing, two years ago, you married Xia Xue and made me lose face. Two years later, I want you to watch Xia Xue climb into my bed. Of course, I never like to force anyone. She won't go with me and let her decide by herself."

The biting dog didn't show its teeth. The most ruthless person often had a kind face, and Li Hongjiu was obviously such a person.

"Despicable!" Xia Yu gritted her teeth.

"Thank you for your praise, Miss Xia." Li Hongjiu was not angry, but laughed. She looked at Xia Xue and said, "If you don't want to, then you can go with them now. I won't force you. But I hope you understand that if you miss this opportunity, even if Xia Xue comes to me again, I won't agree!"

"Xia Xue, come home with me. You shouldn't sacrifice yourself for the trouble caused by Xia Jun." Chen Qing pulled Xia Xue's hand again, but this time, Xia Xue subconsciously avoided it.

Unable to hold Xia Xue's hand, Chen Qing had no choice but to withdraw his hand and subconsciously clench his fist.

"Chen Qing, Xia Yu, go back. I've made up my mind. It doesn't matter who tries to persuade me." In fact, Xia Xue didn't want to do that. But in addition, what else could she do? Was it really like what Xia Yu said that Chen Qing could solve this problem?

Seeing that Xia Xue was ready to get in Li Hongjiu's car, Chen Qing grabbed her wrist rudely and went straight to Xia Yu's car without saying a word.

"Let her go!" Li Hongjiu stopped Chen Qing and said coldly.

Chen Qing ignored him and continued walking forward.

Li Hongjiu didn't expect that a good-for-nothing like Chen Qing would dare to ignore him. With a stern look in his eyes, he raised his hand and was ready to slap Chen Qing.