Chapter 6

Chen Qing's voice was not loud and even very calm, but his eyes were full of disappointment and sadness.

Xia Xue heard it clearly. It seemed that every word that Chen Qing said hit heavily on her heart.

At this moment, his heart was in so much pain, as if it had been cut by a knife.

It turned out that he cared so much about this man.

But it was too late to regret. With a cold look in his eyes, Chen Qing turned around and walked out of the living room.

Xia Xue opened her mouth, but swallowed back the words on the tip of her tongue, and her vision blurred.

"Brother-in-law, where are you going?"

As soon as Chen Qing came out of the living room, he met Xia Yu.

"Xia Yu, he is no longer your brother-in-law. Xia Xue has already divorced him. Grandpa also said that from now on, Chen Qing will never step into the Xia family again." Xia Jun snorted.

"A divorce? Sister, are you crazy? What did brother-in-law do wrong? You have to treat him like this!" Xia Yu said indignantly.

Xia Xue bit her lip and was speechless.

Xia Changhe said in a deep voice, "Little Yu, Xia Xue and Chen Qing's affairs have nothing to do with you, and you can't interfere with them. Get out of the way and let him go!"

Xia Yu still wanted to say something, but Chen Qing shook his head with a wry smile. "Xia Yu, don't say that. Maybe I should have expected this result. But I am not a heartless person. If you encounter any trouble in the future, come to me."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present burst into laughter, as if they had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

"Haha, this guy is really shameless. If the Xia family hadn't protected him in the past two years, he would have been worse than a dead dog. Now he can't even protect himself, but he dares to boast shamelessly. Who gave him the confidence?"

"That's right, that's right. We're already in trouble, yet you still have the face to brag."

"This guy must have gotten used to being the son-in-law of the Xia family. He is still in his dream, haha."

The younger generation of the Xia family were all sarcastic. Even several elders looked at Chen Qing's back with disdain.

At this time, Chen Qing couldn't help but turn around and calmly look at everyone, as if he had printed their faces in his mind. For the past two years, Chen Qing had swallowed his anger because of Xia Xue, but that didn't mean that the young master of the Chen family had no temper.

Xia Xue had proposed a divorce, so they would be strangers in the future. If they humiliated themselves again in the future, Chen Qing would naturally fight back.

"Brother-in-law..." Xia Yu still wanted to say something, but Chen Qing had gone far, and the bodyguards hurried out.

At this moment, Xia Changhe walked to Li Hongjiu's side and said in a low voice, "Young Master Li, can you let go of my army when it comes to racing? If Young Master Li has any conditions, I will do as you say."

Xia Changhe kicked Chen Qing out of the house. First of all, he did not like Chen Qing, his grandson-in-law. Xia Xue was a famous beauty in Nanchuan City. Xia Changhe always felt that Xia Xue could play a big role. Moreover, Xia Changhe met Li Hongjiu because he hoped that Li Hongjiu could get along well with racing.

Li Hongjiu lifted her glasses and said after a moment of silence, "Grandfather Xia, I'm afraid I can't help with this matter. The person who died is my cousin. How can I do something like exposing myself? Besides, the one who died this time is the descendant of the Li family. If it's over, how can the Li family save face?"

After that, Li Hongjiu walked out with a sneer.

Xia Changhe snorted with anger, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes. "Li, you'd better not go too far!"

Li Hongjiu quickly walked out of the Xia Clan. While she was thinking about how to teach Chen Qing a lesson, she saw a few bodyguards looking at her in fear.

"Young... Young Master, Chen Qing is missing."

"It's gone!" Li Hongjiu looked around and indeed did not see Chen Qing's figure. She immediately shouted, "What are you guys doing? You all think that you're experts, but you can't even look at a piece of trash. What's the use of raising you all!"

"Young Master, that kid's skills are not bad. He ran so fast that he disappeared in the blink of an eye. We..."

"I don't want to listen to your explanation. Go and look for him right now. If you can't find him, then don't come back!" Li Hongjiu said coldly.

As night fell, the four-line city of Nanchuan City was also lit by thousands of lights, showing the prosperity of the city.

On the bar street.

In a bar, Chen Qing sat in an inconspicuous corner. On the table lay an empty bottle of beer. After more than ten bottles of beer, even Chen Qing felt drunk.

At this time, several young women came out of the elevator. They were dressed in branded clothes, and their eyes were proud. Obviously, they were not ordinary girls.

The woman walking in the middle was extremely beautiful and elegant. She could even be equally matched with Xia Xue.

"Miss Yang, is your brother really back? I heard that Young Master Yang has been developing in the provincial capital for the past two years. Otherwise, how could Li Hongjiu from the Li family be arrogant in Nanchuan City?" A woman with a good appearance asked the stunning woman.

"How can Li Hongjiu be compared to my brother?" Yang Jingshu's gaze inadvertently fell on a corner. "Even if there are many hidden talents in the provincial capital, my brother can still make a name for himself. Li Hongjiu is nothing."

"That's true. Young Master Yang Haoyu can definitely crush Li Hongjiu." The woman nodded in agreement, then pointed to the corner and said, "Hey, Miss Yang, isn't that Xia Xue's useless husband?"

In fact, Yang Jingshu had seen Chen Qing just now, but he was just a good-for-nothing who lived off a woman. It was not enough to arouse her interest.

"It's really the useless son-in-law of the Xia family. Have you heard that this Chen Qing has provoked Li Hongjiu? Now Li Hongjiu is sending people all over the city to look for this guy. Sister Jing Shu, do you want to call Li Hongjiu and tell him that Chen Qing is here?" A woman next to him asked.

"Li Hongjiu sent people to search for his whereabouts. Could it be that you are also Li Hongjiu's subordinates? If you want to curry favor with Li Hongjiu, I will not stop you," Yang Jingshu said coldly.

Hearing this, the women looked at each other in dismay. No one dared to mention calling Li Hongjiu again.

"My brother should be here soon. Go pick him up first." Yang Jingshu looked at the corner indifferently and then walked out quickly.

A black car stopped outside the door, and a young man of twenty-eight or ninety-nine came out. He had short hair and looked very energetic.

Yang Jingshu walked over with a smile. "Brother."

"Young Master Yang." The women beside him greeted him one after another.

Yang Eterni said with a faint smile, "Jing Shu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

While speaking, Yang Eterni was the first to walk into the bar.

Yang Jingshu followed closely behind Yang Changyu. Suddenly, he thought of something. He pointed to Chen Qing and said, "Brother, don't you want to know who Xia Xue's husband is? Hey, it's him."

Yang Changyu looked in the direction of Yang Jingshu's finger. When his eyes fell on Chen Qing's face, his pupils suddenly contracted.

"Young... Young Master Chen?"