Chapter 12

Xia Jun said in horror, "I didn't. Li Jie died in a car accident!"

Everyone knew that if he was killed on purpose, Xia Jun would have to pay with his life.

Li Hong said with a faint smile, "Who can prove that it was an accident?"

"Anyway, I didn't kill Li Jie. Grandpa, you must believe me. I really didn't kill Li Jie." Xia Jun could only ask Xia Changhe for help.

Xia Changhe frowned and said, "Li Hong, do you have any evidence that Xia Jun deliberately murdered Li Jie?"

"After that, when the police investigated, they found that someone had tampered with the brake of my brother's car that day, and the racing activity was organized by Xia Jun. Who else could it be?"

Li Hongjiu looked at Xia Changhe with a smile. "Even if Xia Jun didn't commit murder on purpose, this matter must have something to do with him. My brother can't die in vain. Xia Jun must die to atone for his crime. Xia Changhe, I came here to give face to the Xia family. Otherwise, the police will come and arrest him. You can do whatever you want!"

Xia Changhe held back his anger and said, "Xia Hai has been crippled, and the Xia family's business has suffered tens of millions of losses. Isn't this enough to make up for Xia Jun's mistake? Li Hongjiu, why do you have to do so much? Don't you give the Xia family a way out?"

Li Hongjiu merely smiled faintly and did not say anything.

Xia Changhe was also at a loss for what to do. The Li family was so powerful that the Xia family was no match for them. These days, it was not that Xia Changhe didn't have connections, but under the threat of the Li family, no one dared to help the Xia family.

If he couldn't do it and couldn't avoid it, what else could he do?

After a long time, Xia Changhe took a deep breath and said helplessly, "The Xia family can't live without Xia Jun. Li Hongjiu, make a condition. As long as you let Xia Jun go, everything can be discussed."

"Oh? Really?" Li Hongjiu narrowed her eyes. "Then why don't you let the young women of the Xia family, who are over eighteen years old, all become the maids of the Li family. Within five years, they must obey the orders of the Li family. Even if they are to be used as a stepping stone, the Xia family cannot interfere. Five years later, you will restore the identity of the Xia family. If you agree, I will let Xia Jun go."

What Li Hong said was nothing more than an insult to the Xia family in front of everyone. Think about it, if all the young women of the Xia family became the maids of the Li family, how could the Xia family still have the face to stay in Nanchuan?

Upon hearing Li Hongjiu's words, everyone present couldn't help but laugh.

Someone said with a smile, "Xia Changhe, why don't you promise Childe Li? It's nothing to be a maid. Besides, in five years, Childe Li will let them come back. Haha."

Sun Yu deeply couldn't help but frown. This Li Hongjiu fellow was really a bit of a bully.

Just as the group of young masters burst into laughter, Xia Changhe's face was filled with anger. "Impossible! Li Hongjiu, don't even think about it!"

Xia Changhe flew into a rage. All the young women in the Xia family also looked at Li Hongjiu with hatred. They secretly cursed him for being a despicable villain, but none of them dared to stand out and say a word.

At this moment, Xia Yu's temper rose. She squeezed out of the crowd and said, "Li Hongjiu, you bastard! Leave the Xia family immediately, or I'll call my brother-in-law and ask him to come and teach you a lesson!"

"Brother-in-law? Are you talking about Chen Qing?" Li Hongjiu was worried that he could not find Chen Qing. If Xia Yu could call Chen Qing over, it would be a great help to him.

"Of course it's Chen Qing. Who else could it be other than him?" Xia Yu puffed out her chest and said, "Li Hongjiu, my brother-in-law isn't an ordinary person. If you're smart, then get the hell out of here. Don't disgrace yourself."

"Who are you if you're not an ordinary person?" Li Hongjiu laughed out loud and said: "Xia Yu, you actually used a piece of trash to scare me. Truly laughable."

Hearing Xia Yu's words, even the members of the Xia family looked at each other in dismay. It was not good to find someone, but to mention Chen Qing, such a good-for-nothing. Wasn't he asking for humiliation?

"Han Yuanjie, have you seen Xia Xue's husband, Chen Qing?" Sun Yushen asked in a low voice.

Han Yuanjie nodded and said, "I've seen it once or twice. There's nothing special about it."

Sun Yushen also nodded and said, "Although I don't know him, I've heard about him. He lived in the Xia family for two years and became a good-for-nothing for two years, which made Xia Xue, the God's favored daughter, become a joke of Nanchuan. I just don't understand why Xia Yu wants to move Chen Qing out."

Sun Yuchu and Han Yuanjie weren't the only ones who looked at him mockingly. The younger generation members from the Li Clan were also laughing out loud.

"Xia Yu, you don't like that useless brother-in-law of yours, do you?" A girl from the Li family said sarcastically. Her name was Li Miao, and she was Li Hongjiu's cousin.

"I think it's 80% right. Xia Yu likes Xia Xue's husband. This is a great news in Nanchuan, haha."

Xia Yu didn't know what was wrong with her. She blushed and tried to deny it. However, the more she described it, the darker it became. Even Xia Xue's face was as red as blood.

Xia Changhe said angrily, "Xia Yu, shut up! You're not that good-for-nothing Cundi!"

Li Hong said: "Xia Changhe, why don't you let Xia Yu and Xia Xue be the Li family's maids and let this matter pass?"

In fact, he was forcing Xia Yu to call Chen Qing.

Xia Changhe looked at Xia Yu and said, "You can take Xia Xue away, but Xia Yu can't."

"Grandpa..." Xia Xue couldn't believe her ears.

Xia Changhe snorted and said, "Don't call me grandpa. Since you and Chen Qing got married, you are no longer worthy of being the descendant of the Xia family."

Xia Xue really understood what it meant to be disappointed and disheartened. She no longer cared about the Xia family and said with a bitter smile, "Since I don't deserve to be a member of the Xia family, how can you control my life?"

In the past 25 years, this was also the first time that Xia Xue had offended Xia Changhe. If she had not been disheartened by Xia Changhe, Xia Xue would not have dared to speak rudely to him.

Xia Changhe's face gradually darkened.

Xia Xue continued, "Two years ago, you forced me to marry Li Hongjiu. You said that it was for my good, but you did it because of the interests of the Xia family. You think that the Xia family has a backer for the marriage between the Xia family and the Li family, don't you? This time, Xia Jun got into a car accident. It has nothing to do with me. But in order to protect Xia Jun, you forced me to sacrifice myself many times."

"Grandpa, I was too stupid in the past. If I had known earlier that I was so insignificant in your eyes, I would rather leave the Xia family with Chen Qing than divorce him. Since you have never regarded me as your granddaughter or a member of the Xia family, then I will leave!"

At the end of her words, Xia Xue's eyes turned red and tears slid down her cheeks.

It was not until this moment that she realized how Chen Qing felt when he was expelled from the Xia family. If the time could be reversed, she would rather lose her identity as the young lady of the Xia family than lose the man who had accompanied her silently for two years.

She really regretted it.

"Bastard!" Xia Changhe slapped Xia Xue in the face and glared at her with his fingers. "You have the blood of the Xia family, and your life is given to you by the Xia family. It's not up to you to choose! Li Hongjiu, since you insist on taking away the women of the Xia family, then take Xia Xue away!"

Seeing that Xia Changhe was so heartless, Xia Xue was really disheartened.

Li Hongjiu shook her head and said, "As I said, unless Xia Yu becomes a servant of the Li family as well."

"Li Hongjiu, stop dreaming!" Xia Yu glared at Li Hongjiu and wiped away the tears on Xia Xue's face. "Sis, don't cry. I'll call my brother-in-law right away and ask him to come and save us!"