Chapter 17 Not Everyone Can Afford Such Expensive Clothes

After that day, I hadn't seen Patrick for nearly a month.

My life gradually returned to peace. I got busy with my work so that I could numb myself and forget that I had such a marriage.

It was the day for me to get my salary today. Lisa had already shouted early in the morning that I should treat her to a meal after getting it.

In order not to let her wait, I got off work normally, which rarely happened.

As soon as I walked out of the office building, a man in a suit came over and said politely, "Hello, Miss Archer. I am Mr. Cowell's driver. He asked me to pick you up."

It was a time for getting off work. People around me looked at me with strange eyes.

For a moment, I was in a trance, "Mr. Cowell? Patrick Cowell?"

"Why would he send someone to pick me up?"

The driver explained, "The Chairman wants to see you, that is, Mr. Cowell's grandfather."