Chapter 39 Be Cheap for the Sake of Money

The next day, I woke up amid the aroma of the porridge.

Actually, I hadn't eaten anything for almost 24 hours. And I felt that my throat was dry and thirsty.

I looked at the surrounding layout, which indicated clearly that I was in a single man's house.

I already guessed where I was.

I wanted to get up. But I felt dizzy as soon as I got up!

So I fell back onto the bed again.

Right at this moment, the door of my room opened. And Seth stood at the door, holding a small plate with a bowl of porridge and a plate of side dishes on it.

Seeing me get up, he immediately put the things in his hand on the bedside table and held me, "You are suffering from a serious fever. Where are you going?"

Then he pressed me on the bed and handed me the porridge.

I wanted to take it over. But he stopped me, "The porridge is hot. I'll help you take it."

I was a little embarrassed, intending to finish the porridge quickly.