Chapter 55 I Didn't Expect That He Would Speak up for Me

I stared at Caroline. Because we were identical twins. Her face was very similar to mine.

In the eyes of outsiders, we looked extremely similar.

However, now that I had cut short hair. Many people would directly tell us apart based on the hairstyle.

If I wore a wig, would others acknowledge me as her?

I was overwhelmed by the fear of being put in prison before. And I never thought of this.

But at that time, I didn't have any response or any expression.

Ned also had a look of dislike on his face, "If you have any grievances, tell the police. It's useless for you to tell us."

"The person who framed me did it meticulously. And I couldn't do anything about it. Grandpa Cowell, since you don't believe me, I, I will..." I looked at Patrick and hesitated for a moment. Then I said, "I will just divorce Patrick."