Chapter 69 Seth Spat Blood

In fact, I could relate to the client. After all, a person had died in his new house. And it was true that he couldn't go on living there.

The house was a villa with a market price of millions of dollars. For a small-sized company like Seth's company, which had just been operating for a few years, it simply couldn't afford it at all.

If there was a lawsuit, it would be more difficult for Glorious Seth Design to establish a foothold in the industry. And at that time, it would be on the verge of closing down.

Hearing Angie's words, I couldn't be more guilty.

Anyway, Ronald Weil's matter started everything.

Angie got her coffee and went to the construction site.

I took a car alone to Glorious Seth Design's office.

When I went into the office, I found that nobody was at the front desk. In the office where I used to stay, nobody was seen except for some computers in several compartments.