Chapter 85 You Are Quite Cute Today

"Yeah. I've been drinking. People all say drinking can drown the worries. But I'm quite uncomfortable after drinking instead."

Bending over the low table, I muttered staggeringly to the one over the phone.

The person over the phone was silent for a while and then said, "Why don't you tell me what happened? You may feel better after saying it."


In a daze, I began to tell the one over the phone everything that had happened between me and Patrick...

It was unknown how long I had been talking.

Nor did I know how I had fallen asleep later.

By the time I woke up again, it had been another evening.

Feeling that I had a headache, I got up and cooked a bowl of instant noodles. Picking my cell phone up, I intended to check what time it was, only to find that my cell phone was out of power. I couldn't even turn it on.

I was a little puzzled. And I remembered that my cell phone had been fully charged in the morning.