Chapter 227 My Boy Won't Deceive Me

"What?" Lisa was obviously stunned. And she added, "Why? Won't I be fired?"

The woman standing at the door smiled and said, "If you want to be expelled, how come you called your boyfriend here?"

"My boyfriend?!"

"Her boyfriend?"

Lisa and I said at the same time.

Lisa's face was full of weirdness. And she added, "When did I have a boyfriend?"

The woman at the door had a strange look on her face, saying, "Didn't you have? He is right in the leader's office. Your boyfriend is so articulate. With a few words from him, the client directly withdrew her complaint."

Hearing this, Lisa rushed out of the meeting room with a puzzled look on her face.

I followed her and saw her entering an office. So I stood behind her.

Lisa went into the office without closing the door. I saw that unexpectedly, it was no one else but Roger in the room!