Chapter 258 I Am Not Available for a Married Man

As soon as I clicked opened an online shopping application, Patrick covered my hand with his slender fingers, "I have to get a mug now."

Looking up at him, I didn't get his point.

He paused for a while and continued, "Accompany me to buy one outside."

"Mr. Cowell, I have work to do."

I decisively refused with no deliberation.

He, who seemed to have guessed that I would say so, blurted, "I will delay the deadline for you."

I knew that Patrick surely wouldn't give up with ease before he got a mug.

I just had to accompany him to buy a mug.

Glancing the time, I found that it was 10 a.m. sharp. If I went out with him, I probably could bump into Shelton visiting me here.


I agreed.

Patrick drove me to an independent shop near the studio.

Entering the shop, I found that it was a high-end shop for cutlery only.

The tablewares inside the shop were placed in series, one after another.