Chapter 387 The good time before chaos (1)

I blushed a little and pushed Patrick away. Then I said to Glenn, "Come on, Mom will change your clothes for you."

As I spoke, I ushered him into the room.

When I changed clothes for him, Glenn said, "Mom, I want to go to play with Cicely after changing my clothes."

"Okay, I'll send you there."

I nodded.

When we came out, Patrick sat alone on the sofa and looked at us. He seemed to be angry and asked me, "Where are you going?"

"Glenn said he wanted to play with Cicely." I explained to Patrick.

The man waved his hand and said, "Don't bother. For Glenn, I specially built a children's entertainment park on the island. You can call your friend and send two children there to play."

I called Nancy.