Chapter 394 Charlotte, are you crazy?

I don't know how many tears I had shed.

However, when I came to myself, the people around me seemed to have dispersed, as if some police had come to stop them.

In the end, I was left alone.

I felt like I was deprived of all my feelings. I couldn't feel sadness, anger or grief.

I only stood up and did not take a taxi. I was pointed at by the surrounding people when made my way back, finally, I arrived at the No.1, City Y on foot.

Along the way, I was in a daze.

I didn't quite remember what happened.

I went home, took a shower, changed my clothes, and sat down on the sofa.

My brain was in a mess.

I completely seemed to have entered a state where I couldn't help denying myself.

As I sat there, all I thought about was——-

All the things happened because of me.

Because of me, the studio was destroyed by someone

Because of me, all the orders had been cancelled.