Chapter 436 I Thought He Would Never Leave Me

When the three of us stood at the door, Shirley's driver got off the car and opened the door. Inside, Shirley sat in a wheelchair and said hello to me, "Come on in."

I hesitated for a moment, but I finally got on the car with Janice and Lacy.

Along the way, we were all quiet. Shirley drove the car to my place first. I asked Janice and Lacy to enter the car and gave them the keys before I returned to Shirley's car.

When we got in the car, I asked her, "Miss Shirley, how did you know I would be thrown out?"

Shirley smiled and said, "Maybe it's the instinct of being a disabled people like him."

I looked down and felt a little disappointed. "It went well at first, but we had experienced a long foreplay and he seemed to find that he couldn't do it, so..."

"That person is Patrick, right?" Shirley looked at me.

I nodded.