Chapter 493 I Miss You So Much

After creeping up to the third floor, I looked around first.

Only after making sure that all the bodyguards had fallen asleep did I walk in the direction of the room with the light on.

The room could be located with ease. With light leaking out from under the door. I confirmed which room at once.

Walking up to the front of the room door, I leaned against the door, only to hear no sound from the room inside.

Looking at the round handle at the door, I was torn as to whether to open the door or not. However, what if it wasn't Patrick inside? In that case, wouldn't I be exposed?

When I was lost in my thoughts, noise rang from inside all of a sudden.

It was Patrick's voice.

Judging from the voice, I guessed that he should be on the phone.

Despite failing to hear what he was saying clearly, I was sure that he mentioned "Jeremy" at the beginning of his conversation.