WebNovelThe Cults21.71%

Zayn Owens

"What are you doing here?" Nigel queried the second he opened his door. Zayn just knew how to keep him frustrated at all times. This man had the worst timing, and always loved taking him by surprise.

"I came to visit" Zayn replied "It's been long since we hung out as friends"

"We're not friends!" Nigel reminded while trying to keep the confused Zayn from entering his house.

"What are you doing Nigel? Is something bothering you?" Zayn questioned while retreating from the unyielding struggle.

"I'm fine. What do you want Owens?" Nigel repeated. He honestly didn't know what he was doing. He was just panicking and being paranoid and he had his reasons. Even though he trusted Zayn to an extent, he couldn't risk him finding out about Nathan. The two of them hadn't been close for some years now, so there was no telling what the new Zayn Owens was capable of.

There was no way of finding out if Zayn prioritized the little bond they still had over the Guild. He couldn't fight him either. Zayn was much more powerful than he was. And their battle would only end in his death. These were just risks he couldn't afford to take.

"Why are you acting so strange Nigel? What are you up to?" Zayn asked before pushing his way into the house. His eyes flashed around the place inspecting every corner for any possible threat or suspicious activity but found none. "What's going on? Why are you acting so strange Nigel? Talk to me" Zayn urged after failing to find any problem in sight.

"I said I'm fine" Nigel insisted. He didn't know where Nathan might have teleported to, but he was relieved the boy wasn't here. He honestly couldn't think of a way to kick their visitor out. And he was sure the man wouldn't yield to anything he said.

"You've been scarce lately just wanted to make sure you were okay"

"Thanks for your concern. But I'm really good" Nigel convinced hoping the man would leave. But he walked straight to the couch and got comfortable.

"Aren't you going to serve your guest?" Zayn asked.

"I don't have anything to offer you Owens, not until you tell me why you're actually here" Nigel replied before walking away from the door.

"Not even a thank you for taking care of your enemies?" Zayn disclosed and Nigel froze.

'He can't really be serious' He thought to himself before replying the eager man "I didn't ask for your help. I like dealing with my problems myself" Nigel reminded. He couldn't deny that he was surprised. He knew Zayn was strong, but compared to the man he faced he didn't see this figure winning.

The realization of how strong the man beside him might be had made him even more afraid than he was. He didn't know much about Zayn since after their childhood, so his evaluation of the man's strength could be wrong. But still, he was astonished by what he just heard.

"Show me some gratitude Nigel. I'm trying to build our friendship and you're just making things worse" Zayn complained.

Nigel eyed the man beside him for a moment before returning his attention to the floor. He was confused and totally lost. This man sent him mixed signals, and he couldn't tell if he was reading them wrong.

Zayn Owens was a dedicated member of the Guild and Nigel knew this. Yet, he acted out of line just to help him. He saw Zayn as a threat, yet also a friend. Everything just seemed strange around this man and it was driving him nuts.

"Stop it Owens!" Nigel warned clearly fed up with everything that was going on.

"Stop what?" Zayn questioned with a puzzled look on his face.

"What you're doing. You didn't just visit to tell me this did you? Tell me what you really came here for" Nigel urged while unsheathing a dagger.

"Don't Nigel. I don't want to fight you" Zayn uttered while pulling away from the dagger's tip. He wanted to keep dumb with Nigel, but he could tell the man knew something was up. The Guild had sent him to investigate the man and that was what he was here for. Part of him had visited for friendship sake, but majority of his reasons lied within his mission.

He honestly had no idea what the Guild wanted from Nigel or why they asked him to investigate. And that was why he had been asking his friend if everything was alright. He noticed Nigel's uneasiness, but he hadn't found anything to link his trouble with. Nigel was definitely hiding something and he noticed the instant he opened the door.

Nigel retracted his blade and apologized before sheathing the dagger. He had overreacted and had almost destroyed everything he was working for in just one act. He was lucky Zayn still considered him a friend, else he would be dead by now. His paranoia was really getting to him and made him act of line. He had to get himself under control, or else he would end up exposing himself and Nathan as well.

"Are you okay Nigel?" Zayn asked again. This time with a more serene and caring tone.

Nigel was in a battle with himself. 'Should he trust this man or not?' was the question that ravaged his mind. He didn't know if it was his feelings that were getting in his head. Or the authenticity of Zayn's words. He couldn't help but think the man actually cared for him. But he fought hard to keep himself from spilling.

He understood the gamble and the risks attached. He fully understood that if Zayn was on their side then their chances of surviving would increase considerably. But at the same time there was the risk of him turning against them and ending him and Nathan if he chooses to. Nigel couldn't risk it.

"I'm fine Owens. Thank you for visiting" Nigel replied. He felt happy for the first time in a long time. And it made him a bit comfortable around Zayn.

He had promised himself to never let his feelings interfere with anything he was going to do from here onwards. Emotions to him were weaknesses, and he wanted to rid himself of all his weaknesses.