WebNovelThe Cults34.88%


"Give it up, it won't work! If the old man couldn't do it what makes you think you can?" said Franklin after minutes of sitting and having his brain ransacked by the girl that stood in front of him. They weren't going to get anything out of him this way, his mental fortress had been fortified a lot of times by Martin Brown. Lowly Advocates couldn't possibly break into his mind.

Ashley finally gave up after many futile trials. It was obvious that his mind had been locked up by some powerful force, and somebody like her couldn't possibly bypass it's defences. The Guild had definitely performed some sort of fortification ritual on his mind.

No wonder he was so confident in himself and went straight to bargaining his answers.

"What do you want?" The exasperated girl asked. She was already tired of seeing him grin victoriously. It irritated her and she had to hold herself back from smacking him across the face.

"I think we both know the answer to that question"