Island tour for two

It's now been thirty minutes since Luffy and Hancock began their tour of the island. In that short span of time, they've been attacked numerous times by all kinds of beasts and monsters.

"Luffy~. I'm finished disciplining these wild beasts~"

Hancock, who was stepping on a statue of some kind of giant beasts, cutely called out to Luffy, who was patiently sitting under a tree.

"That was amazing, Hancock! You took down all of those monsters by yourself! It took me almost a month before I could take down a single monster! You're really amazing!"

Luffy was full of praise for Hancock. It wasn't that Luffy didn't want to fight off the monsters, it was just that Hancock didn't give him the chance.

Every time a monster appeared before them, Luffy would try to drive them off. But before he could, a raging Hancock would intercept them while shouting, "How dare you interrupt my long-awaited date with Luffy!", and kicked the monsters before turning them to stone.

After repeating this several times, Luffy decided to just leave the monsters to Hancock.

Hearing Luffy's praises made Hancock blush.

"I-It was nothing. I just didn't want anyone to interrupt our d-d-date."

Hancock shyly turned away from Luffy, and spoke while playing with her fingers. Luffy tilted his head to the side and was wondering what was wrong with her.

He decided to not pay it any mind and stood up and walked over to her.

"Well, whatever. Let's go."

Luffy patted Hancock and-

"Eh?! Ahhhhhhhhhh~!"

"Huh? Hancock?!"

Hancock fainted when Luffy touched her. Seeing, Hancock suddenly faint caused Luffy to panic.

"W-W-What I should do?! Did a poisonous bug bite her?!"

Luffy frantically looked left to right as if he was searching for someone.

"I-I'm okay. You just surprised me, that's all."

Hancock slowly stood up and pat the dirt off her clothes.

"L-Let's continue the tour."

"What the? So, you were okay. I was worried there for a moment."

"Worried? You were concerned for me?"

"Of course. You're an important friend to me. I would be devastated if something were to happen to you."

Unknowingly to Luffy, those innocent kind words he just said had triggered something in Hancock.


Let's once again enter the delusional mind of Boa Hancock.

"Don't make me worry like that."

Handsome Luffy held a blushing Hancock in his arms.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I didn't expect you suddenly touch me like that."

Hancock shyly answered.

Even though it was still the middle of the day, the place was dark and Luffy and Hancock were in a spotlight.

"What are you saying? Am I not allowed to touch my queen?"

Handsome drew his face closer to Hancock's and stared into her eyes. Hancock shyly turned away while blushing.


"Yeah. You're my important queen. A king should be allowed to touch his queen whenever he wants, right?"


Hancock faced handsome Luffy, with a beautiful smile on her face.

"So, you don't need to get so surprised whenever I touch you. Is that okay, my queen?"

Handsome Luffy brought his face closer to Hancock's.


Hancock also brought her face closer.

"Take me, Luffy!"

"I get it. I get it. We'll continue the tour, there's no need to hurry."


Hancock was brought back to reality by Luffy answering her shout.

She confusingly looked around, and quickly realized that she was daydreaming. She started to blush again and felt ashamed for having indecent thoughts, while Luffy was seriously trying to show her around.

'Okay. I definitely won't get distracted again!'

She pledged in her heart.

After that, Luffy and Hancock seriously began to tour the island. The island was relatively big and was filled with all kinds of plant life. There were also some rare animals Hancock had never seen before. Luffy showed her the river with a waterfall, where he caught fish. He showed her all kinds of different fruits and told her which one to eat and which one not to eat. He learned which one not to eat from experience. They also occasionally ran into monsters, which Hancock mercilessly punished.

They were currently on a stroll together, and Hancock was happily humming-

'On a date with Luffy~. On date with Luffy~.'

'Ah, Granny. What a marvelous idea this was. I promise. I'll be a bit more respectful towards you.'

Hancock was grateful for the opportunity that Elder Nyon created for her.

"You look really happy, Hancock. Did something good happen? Ah, could it be that you found some delicious meat?!"

Luffy noticed that Hancock was behaving weird but somehow arrived at meat as the reason for her behavior.

"Ah, no. I'm just happy to be here that's all."

Hancock smiled beautifully as she spoke.

"Is that how it is? Well, I'm kinda glad you're here too."

"Eh? R-Really?"

"Yeah, it was just me and old man Rayleigh all the time, and a few monsters. But, Rayleigh left last week, so I was a bit bored when I wasn't fighting or training."

"Did you get lonely because you didn't have your friends?"

"Hmm....that too. I mean I really miss them. Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, chopper, Franky, Brook, Nami and Robin. I want to see them soon."

Luffy had a nostalgic look on his face.

Seeing, that Hancock-

"I see. I guess you would be happier if you were around them than a stranger like me."

She wore a sad expression on her face. Hancock knew Luffy was someone who cherishes his crew mates above all. Even her. Being reminded of that, caused her heart to ache a little. But, Luffy-

"Stranger? What are you talking about? We're not strangers."

He rejected Hancock's statement, without even knowing her thoughts.


"I mean, you did a lot for me. You help me sneak into Impel Down. You help out at Marineford too. You even offered to take care of me when I was injured. And, most of all. You allowed me to train on this island."

Luffy looked at Hancock, who was walking beside him, and with a big smile said-

"I already told you. You're a precious friend. Even if I'm not with my crew mates, I'm glad that I'm here with you, right now."


Hancock stopped walking and silently looked at Luffy with tears in her eyes.

"Huh? Huh? Hancock? Why are you crying? Did a monster steal your meat?! Hey, what happened?!"

"I-It's nothing. I just. Something was in my eye."

Hancock quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and began to walk again.

"Hah~. Thank god, I thought that something terrible happened to you."

"I'm fine. Sorry to make you worry."

They resume their stroll. Luffy didn't realize, but Hancock's face has been really red for a while now. Even her smile had gotten wider.

'I'm glad that I'm here with you, right now.'

Those words were replaying in her head, over and over again.

Hancock was sure. Even if there was a speck of doubt in her mind, it was gone now.

"I'm deeply in love with you, Luffy."

She said out loud.


Realizing what she'd said, Hancock frantically check to see if Luffy heard her.

"Awesome! Oi, Hancock. Look, it's a rainbow-colored beetle! It's the first time I've ever seen one!"

Luckily (?) for her, Luffy was distracted by something else.

"I'm glad that he didn't hear me, but also sad at the same time..."

"Huh? Did you say something, Hancock?"

"Ah, no-nothing at all!.....and.."


Luffy tilted his head when he noticed that Hancock suddenly being hesitant.

".....That's the 50th time you've called my name...Our 50th anniversary...."

She said while blushing.

"50th? I'm only 18, you know."

"Ah! I-I didn't mean it like that!"

Luffy looked at the frantic Hancock and tilted his head some more.

He then slowly walked over to her.

"Well, whatever. I forgot to ask. But, how long are you gonna stay here?"

"How long? Granny, said only a week is enough."


"Ah, it's nothing! Forget it!"

Hancock almost mistakenly revealed her plan.

"A week, huh...."

Hancock noticed Luffy looked like he was pondering on something.

"Is something the matter?"

"Ah, it's nothing. I was just wondering where we're going to sleep at night. The monsters have a habit of attacking you when you're sleeping, so it's safer if we sleep together."


"Hm, yeah."

"You and me?!"

"Who else?"

Luffy started to wonder why Hancock was flustered all of a sudden. Meanwhile, Hancock-

'Wah! How could I not realize this sooner?! If I'm staying here for a week, of course we're going to sleep together! Hah, could it be? That old woman planned for this too?! I'm not ready for such a big step!'

Hancock was holding her head and frantically wiggling her body.

"Let's go, Hancock."

"Eh?...Where to?"

"What are you talking about? To find somewhere to sleep, of course."