Paradise Lost?!

The following morning, Hancock woke up at the crack of dawn feeling refreshed. Luffy wasn't beside her, he had probably gone to fight the monsters that Rayleigh instructed him to. Hancock looked beside her and placed her hand on the spot where Luffy once was.

"Luffy~. I feel like a newlywed wife waking up on her honeymoon."

She cutely giggled before sitting up.

"Oh? It really did withered up."

Hancock noticed that the Fluffy had dried up, and now looked like a giant piece of paper. She slowly got out of the plant, folded it up, and placed it aside.

"I wonder if Luffy will be back soon? Hm?"

Hancock noticed a basket of fruits not that far from her. She walked over to it and took a fruit.

"Luffy must've picked these for before he left."

She smiled while looking at her reflection in the fruit's shiny skin. And then-

"Luffy is so considerate! I love him! I love him! I love him!"

She held the fruit close to her cheeks and wiggled her body cutely while she declare her love for Luffy.

"Ah, I'll decorate the cabin for him to show my love and appreciation!"

Hancock happily skipped towards the door like a little girl.

"I feel like a housewife already!"

Saying that, she happily skipped out the door and began her preparations.

An hour or two later, Luffy returned from fighting monsters and was welcomed with a shocking scene.

"Welcome back, Darling!"

Hancock greeted Luffy with a smile, but his attention was stolen by the cabin's interior.

"Woah! Hancock did you do this?!"

"Yes! I wanted to show my appreciation for you allowing me to be by your side!"

Hancock said energetically.

"Wow! This is amazing!"

Before Hancock had decorated it, the interior of the cabin was quite simple. There was nothing inside expect for the fluffies that they used for beds.

But now, it was completely different.

First of all, the place was practically fully furnished. There was a huge table made out of freshly cut wood in the center. There was a statue decorated with flowers at each corner. There was a bench with fluffies tied around them, giving them the appearance of a couch. And finally, there were several shelves with small bird statues and vases with pretty flowers in them.

"How did you do all this?"

Luffy asked with sparkling eyes.

"It wasn't hard. Everyone in the Kuja Tribe is required to learn multiple skills like hunting, carpentry, fishing, etc. The empress is no exception. I didn't have any tools, so I used my Haki to make the furniture and used my Devil Fruit powers to create the statues. I made sure to pick the cutest animals I saw for the statues."

Hancock proudly explained. She had a big smile on her face. She was clearly happy to be praised by Luffy.

"Your really amazing, Hancock!"

"I-It was nothing."

"No it's really amazing! It's a shame that we'll have to leave the cabin soon, and move to the next area."

"Eh? ....Move? Why?"

Luffy's words caught Hancock off guard, and the smile on her face was replaced by confusion.

"Why? Because it will be winter soon, that's why."


"Yep. Did you forget? This island has 26 seasons and the weather changes every 2 weeks. Winter begins today."

"I know that, but what does winter has to do with us moving?"

"There's a really powerful monster who sleeps most of the time and is only awake when it's winter. It spends most of its time in this area."


"Yeah. It's one of the bosses of the island. But, It's not like I can't beat it."

"Then, why?"

"I can't fight it, and protect you at the same time."

"Eh? You can't protect me?"

"That's right. You may be strong, but you won't be able to fight it without receiving serious damage. The same goes for me."

"So are you saying that you're worried about me?"

"Hm, yea. I don't want someone important to me to get hurt."


Luffy smiled innocently at Hancock which caused her to start blushing.

".....But, what about our Love Nest?"

"Eh? Love Nest? What's that?"

"Our L-Love Nest! Our h-home!"

Hancock became visually flustered for some reason.

"Oh. You mean the cabin? We can just leave it."

Hancock sighed and thought "Then we can just return at a later date.", but-

"Because the monster will destroy it for us."



"Our love nest?!"


"The symbol of our love? The place where we were supposed to raise our children?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but yeah."

Hancock held her head down and her body began to tremble. And then-

".....I'm going to kill it."


"I'm going to kill that monster for threatening our home!"

Hancock declared loudly. Her face was no longer the beautiful one that can woo men and women alike. It had a demonic expression that would make even the devil flinch.

"How dare it interfere with our family?! How dare it threatens Lulu, Junior, and Luhan's future?!"

"Wait . Who are Lulu, Junior, and Luhan?!"

The fuming Hancock didn't answer the confused Luffy and continued to raged on.

"If it's a crocodile, I'm going to make shoes out of it! If it's a snake, I'm going to make a purse! If it's furry, I'm going to make a fur coat. And if it's edible, I'm going to feed it Luffy!"

And so, Hancock continued to rage on for about an hour before Luffy could fully subdue her.

She continued to demand that the monster showed itself, while Luffy moved her from the area.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm working on multiple original stories at the same time. So I only write this when I'm not planning those.