
New York....

it's was 1pm in new York and Celina was already heading back home from college

"hey Lina, wait up!!"Agatha , Lina's best friend called out but Celina couldn't hear her because of the ear pods in her ear . Lina really loved music and wanted to be a singer but being the only daughter and heiress of one of the most powerful family in town,her dream was almost impossible. Agatha ran faster and grabbed Celina's wrist while panting heavily from all the running. Celina turned around and chuckled when she saw her friend's situation. Her emerald coloured eyes dancing with excitement,her smile was as beautiful as sunset and as bright as sunrise,her hair was tied up in a ponytail.she wore long simple jeans, a plain white polo and white sneakers. Celina liked dressing and behaving simply.she didn't like being treated special but that's was kinda hard cuz even her looks gave her away. she was absolutely gorgeous to the extent that when she walked eyes can't stop following her.she just has that aura that draws attention without even trying.

"why are you panting as if you ran a marathon?"Celina teased

"I"she stammered trying to catch her breath

"relax,just calm down"

Agatha closed her eyes ,breathed in and out,she repeated the routine for some time before she finally calmed down and spoke clearly