Biggest and most important reason

Jason sat quietly waiting for his mom's respond. while Mrs Tania's face looked extremely worried thinking that something bad happened and that's the reason why Jason wanted to come home

"what?why?Are you sick?did something bad happen?"she asked non stop not even allowing Jason to respond "

"mom relax, nothing bad happened. I just miss you guys too much "

"Jason are you doing this because of Celina?"

Mrs Tania stared at him Intently trying get her answer and Jason moved his gaze to the ground a bit but immediately looked back at his mom not wanting his mom to be even more suspicious.

"it's... it's not.... because of...h..her"

he stammered all throughout his speech.he hated lying to his mom but he didn't have any other choice cuz if he told her the truth she will definitely decline.

"Jay when did you start lying to me?"

"Am not lying ,I really miss home a lot ,and besides I want to learn more about the company so I can at least be ready when it's time for me to take over"

he said and swallowed his spit causing his Adam's apple to bob up and down.he tried his best to not stammer and for his mom to believe him. Although somethings he said were the truth ,he did miss home and he also wanted to help his dad in managing the company. The only thing he regretted was lying about Celina cuz she was his biggest and most important reason.

" Even though I doubt your reasons,it's your choice so I think you should first discuss with your dad"

"But mom, can't you just tell him?"

"I can't"she replied and Jason noticed a trace of sadness in her voice,she kept looking elsewhere as if she was feeling guilty "

"Did you fight with dad"?

"no...I...I just think you should be the one talk to him since he is your dad and it will be much better cuz you know exactly why you took that decision so you could convince him more"

of course Jason knew she wasn't telling the truth but he decided not to pry into their privacy since it was their marriage so they can of course have petty quarrels ,that somehow tighten the bond right? wasn't there a saying that 'conflict sometimes make a bond stronger'.

"okay if you say so,I will call him later"

"ok ,I have to go now .bye ,I love you"

"I love you too mom,bye"

And they ended the call


At the smith's resident

Mrs Tania heaved a deep sigh as soon as the call ended.minuetes later Mr Smith entered and passed her as if she wasn't even there. she was used to this kind of attitude from him so she wasn't bothered and somehow she thought she deserved it. But today she wanted to at least tell him about Jason's request so she stopped him

"Anthony?"she called out softly as if she was scared that even raising her voice a little will offend him. Mr Smith stopped and answered with a firm 'what' without turning around

"Jason called"

"so? what so shocking about that"?

"nothing. it's just that he asked for something ,he said he would tell you himself but I just wanted to inform you about it first"

"well let him call me then, I will rather listen to him than hearing that hypocrite voice of yours,at least I won't feel enraged listening to him"

"Am sorry,I didn't mean to disturb or anger you"

"Don't ever try to stop me again, know your place".