Happy welcome

As soon as he stepped out of the airport he saw his mom and a girl who was wearing a short jean trousers that was just a few meters above her thighs,a black lady Gaga boot that reached her knees and a black backless crop top that showed her beautiful belly .she had a long fluffy designer coat which she removed half way leaving her shoulders bare ,with her dark sunglasses and black hair which cascaded down her back,she looked like a superstar. Mrs Tania ran and embraced her son as soon as she saw him.

"finally ,my baby is back"she said with tears in her eyes

"I missed u too mom but how can you call me a baby?" he teased

Mrs Tania looked at her son and she quickly wiped her eyes when her tears rolled down"

"mom, please stop. why are you crying?"

"nothing"she wiped her tears with her handkerchief "am just Soo happy to see you"

"stop being dramatic mom"The girl worked up to them smiling"sooo with this kind of scene ,I guess nobody missed me"she pretended to be sad"

Jason looked at the girl again ,she looked really familiar . she seemed exactly like her little sister,wait it couldn't be right?"

"Thena?"he said as if still not able to believe it

"yep"she removed her glasses and smiled while hugging her brother"welcome back jay"

"Thena , you look .....you look...."he stammered unable to describe just how exquisite his baby sister looked

"strikingly beautiful, gorgeous,sexy and hot?"

"how...how did you grow up so fast?"

"now you are doing the same thing those old relatives do"

Mrs Tania giggled watching the siblings "you two look really adorable"

just then Athena received a phone call


'hello mam,there is a slight problem' the person on the other side said

"how slight?"

' um ,it's Chris'

"what about him?"she frowned a bit

'um , he is here and refused to leave without seeing you'

"tell him to go to hell ,am not coming"

'i tried but he Isn't listening and now he is trashing your makeup room,there are a lot of people around and am really scared,this is going to get out soon and you know that the paparazzi...'

"enough!!!!"she said sternly"control him for now ,am coming and keep those gossiping reporters out"

'but how?'

" oh really?I should tell u?how about I also give you tips on how to write your resignation letter?"

'no, no, i got it mam'

"Get . on. with. it"she stressed on every word

'yes mam' and she hung up

"what's wrong?"Mrs Tania asked

"Just work issues,but I can handle it"

"you have a job?"Jason asked looking surprised

"yes ,am into modeling, design and anything fashionable. we will talk later ,bye"

she went into her car and left

"mom, is that really little Athena?"

"yes but don't call her little when she is around am afraid she will end up biting your head off"she joked"so how was your trip?"

"it was okay"

"how was....."

"mom ,am afraid we will stay the whole day if you start your investigation"

"I just miss you so much"

I guess we are on the same page on that "

"let's go, it's hot today"

"now you notice?" he laughed