self bodyguard

Chris refused to let go so thena kicked him hard in the balls and he let her go due to the pain she grabbed his hands and twisted them making him groan in pain ,then she flipped him over causing him to fall hard on the floor .

well Athena may look pretty delicate but that was just a cover .she actually knew martial arts,when she decided to go into modeling ,she knew people will harass her so instead of hoping for bodyguards to always protect her she decided to learn some skills and be her own bodyguard .

she flipped her hair backwards and stared at the boy on the floor wincing in pain

"tsk ,tsk,tsk see what you made me do"she sighed heavily"I have three options for you cupcake,(1) leave here quietly with respect,(2)get dragged out by security and (3)we repeat the routine just now. "

Chris got up staggering"thena I ...."

"I will count to three"

"thena please lis...."




"fine I will leave but this is far from over"

thena chuckled looking amused"good luck with that.Get out!!!"then Chris finally ran out

"sighs....boys. Cindy!!!"

Cindy entered immediately

"yes mam"

"clean this up ,I have to leave now "

"yes mam"


Jason and his mom finally arrived at the mansion,Mrs Tania introduced him to the workers and took him to his room .He took his bath and changed his clothes ,then he texted Shawn telling him of his arrival.He then went downstairs wanting to go see Celina right away.

Meanwhile Mrs Tania was instructing the maids to bring the food or you can say feast she prepared when thena arrived and Jason also came down.

"mom am going out,I will be back soon"Jason said

"wait, where are you going?you just got here"Mrs tania asked

"I want to go greet uncle Anderson and aunt"

"Uncle Anderson or his daughter"

when Jason kept quiet Mrs Tania heaved a sigh knowing this was going to be a long day of explanations she didn't want to do .

"At least eat first"she tried convincing him"

"yeah ,mom decided to throw a party to welcome you"thena teased

"stop it Athena,I just want him to feel at home"

"you mean by trying to turn him into a pumpkin"?

"Athena behave!"Mrs Tania said sternly and thena did a gesture of zipping her lips

"c'mon jay, please??" Mrs Tania begged blinking adorably and Jason finally gave in

"ugh.... fine ,you win"Mrs Tania smiled knowing that she at least have some time to think .