Father in law

Celina stopped chewing instantly and didn't notice she also stopped breathing for a second until she began to suffocate then she quickly let out a quiet breath and tried to mentain her normal composure Infront of the others. Jason was back?,why?,when?.she had a lot of questions but didn't ask aloud cuz she didn't want any unwanted trouble and she couldn't deny that the news made her..... really excited for some reason .she wanted to smile so bad so she let her hair fall sideways to cover her face and bowed her head pretending to eat but zain noticed her smiling and became a little suspicious

'why is she smiling all of a sudden?she looked super gloomy just now, strange girl'

"when?"her father's voice jolted her back to the present

"I think today, you know how fast news flies "Mr Thompson replied

"why did he return?"Mr Anderson asked again

"no one knows but maybe he just wanted to come back . I mean he was gone for long time"

"hmmm, I see"Mr Anderson narrowed his eyes and gave off a really cold aura ,for some reason she didn't like the news of Jason's return ,he found it pretty suspicious and the smiths might be using this against him. what if they are planning something he didn't know about?. while Mr Anderson was immersed in his thoughts,the chilling and dark aura around him became worse and the chills that ran down Lina's spine was almost making her shiver .'oh Lord please help'she cried silently, she just wanted to change the topic ,this place was becoming too stuffy for her.

"cough.....um ,uncle can I come by tomorrow? , I want to take Lina out"zain asked and Mr Anderson's frightening aura vanished in an instant causing Celina to heave a quiet sigh of relief. At least this jerk did something useful for once, then suddenly it hit her. Wait!, what did he say? take me out?. Her head snapped towards zain and saw him wearing that annoying smirk on his face. oh no!, this isn't good . Dad plea....

"of course , you don't need to ask"

her dad answered before she could even finish her plea in her mind.celina's last hope shattered because anytime zain asked for a date it was always not good. he would make her wait at a particular venue for hours and when he finally shows up ,he would bring his extremely noisy and annoying friends along bragging about how rich their families are and zain knew she hated it but made her sit throughout the 'date' . sometimes they even ignored her for hours then finally abandon her again and leave. so right now she felt like slapping that psycho for asking her out when he knew she couldn't refuse here.

"Thank you father in law"zain said still smirking at her.

Mr Anderson smiled wildly, obviously liking the name 'father in law'and that made Celina glare at zain even more but zain looked even more happy ,Celina could see that he was now forcing back an urge to laugh.

'is this funny?,stupid , arrogant ,weird jerk. you good for nothing handsome,spoilt brat .I swear one day am going to return the favour'celina kept on swearing at zain in her mind until her phone rang

"hey babes, what's up"Agatha asked immediately so Lina excused herself and went to her room.