old fashioned ladies

30 minutes later.....

They finished cleaning the room and sat down to talk

"So....how was your date?"Agatha asked not being able to contain her curiosity anymore

"my date with zain got cancelled"Celina replied calmly

"did something bad happen?did you get hurt?are you alright?"Sam asked worriedly without waiting for a reply

" Sam chilax, am fine. I just had another date with someone else"she blurted out before realizing she used the word date instead of lunch

"you went on a date with someone else?a guy?"Aggie asked not able to believe it.

well it was kinda hard to believe because Celina never went out with anyone no matter who the guy was except ....zain of course. They had been friends for so long but she never saw her show interest in anyone .

"why do you look so surprised?and it wasn't really a date ,it was just lunch"

"still unbelievable"Aggie said

"what so unbelievably about that?

"you never have lunch with...guys"

"I always have lunch with dad and I once ate with our professor"

"come on.....there is no way that counts ,your dad is well.....your dad and that professor is seventy years old so he isn't even close to being a guy"

"what happened to Zain then? you know your dad is going to be pissed"Samantha said bringing them back to the original topic

"i know and I really don't care right now,he is always angry with me"

Sam sighed "it's okay "

"Who is this new guy?am dying to know"Aggie asked

Celina told her friends everything and they looked thrilled

"That was epic. so what's his real name?"Aggie asked

"I told you he didn't tell me ,he said I can just call him Andrew"she said looking disappointed

"Do you know anything else about him?"Sam asked

"Not really . he just said he wasn't from around here"

"is that all?"

"yes. But I keep having this strange feelings..... it feels like I have seen him before,he is just so familiar"

"Are you sure you don't know him? like you have never seen him before?"

"Hmmmm"Celina tried to remember but then shook her head"I don't think so"

"His name"Sam said as if having an idea

"what about it?Lina asked

"He told you the meaning was healer right?"

"yes ,what about it?"Lina asked again

"so if we search for names that mean healer,we could start from there"

"Gosh, Sam you are a genius"Agatha said as she took out her phone to search for the name but celina quickly grabbed the phone and held it away"

"what's wrong?"Aggie asked

"I can't"Lina said confusing them even more

"can't what?"Sam asked

"I promised him that I won't try to find out about him"

"But don't you want to know?"Sam asked

"I do but I don't want to break my promise, it feels wrong . And besides if he wanted me to know he would have told me right?"

"wow!!!!you really like this guy"Agatha teased her

"what are you talking about?I just met him"Celina responded as she blushed a little feeling embarrassed

"what is he like?"Sam asked

"he is.... sweet,gentle, calm,interesting,and extremely good looking"Lina smiled remembering their conversation,his smile and the way he looked at her. Then she recalled when he said 'i do trust you',the look in his eyes. he looked so sincere and calm . he really did affect her even when he didn't really do anything that should make her feel like this. what was she feeling anyway?cuz it really can't be that ....that .....she shook her head to delete the thought, it's impossible .

"hey stop smiling already and what's with that confused expression?"Aggie asked

"what?was I smiling?Lina asked snapping back to reality

"That's it. just call him"


"why?....are you seriously asking me why?you are so slow witted when it comes to guys. girl ,you definitely like him"

"I don't. do you like someone at your first meeting?"

"it is kinda possible but the chances are very slim. wait for a while, think about it and if your feelings don't change then you will know if you just liked him or if there was something more"Sam suggested

"hey !!!why are you giving her such a dumb advice?what if she is too late?"Agatha said

"she doesn't even know the guy,Aggie"

"so what?it doesn't matter. gosh I don't know how I became friends with such old fashioned ladies"

"we love you too Aggie"Sam joked smiling

"I made my decision, I will wait for a while"Lina announced


The smiths.....

Jason thought about calling Lina for a while but decided to take his next step first. he needed to be close to her and not just calling her. for that he probably needed his dad but where exactly was his dad? he hadn't seen him since he returned.

It was dinner time and Jason decided to talk to his dad about his request over dinner but was disappointed when he went to the dinning room and only thena was there. AGAIN. did they not eat together anymore?he remembered

before going to London ,they always ate together no matter how busy their parents were,they made sure they always had time to eat dinner and breakfast together. so what went wrong?what really happened?. pushing the thought aside he decided to focus on what was at hand now

"dad is not home yet?"he asked thena

"He is"

"where is he?"

"probably in his study. working"

Jason noticed the frown on her face when she mentioned working but it was only there for awhile so he thought maybe he was mistaken

"is he not coming for dinner"

"I don't know, maybe he isn't hungry"

"ok. excuse me,I will just go see him"


Jason went to the study excited to see his dad but also nervous about his request. He knocked and a deep manly voice replied'come in'. he walked in and behind the desk ,a man with dark brown hair,and blue eyes wearing a grey robe as water dripped from his hair as if he just took a shower was typing on his computer. His long slender finger moving as fast as possible as he took a sip from his cup of tea.

"good evening...daddy"Jason greeted politely. He always called his dad 'daddy' since he was a kid . some kids used to bully him about it,him calling him a princess but he didn't stop ,it just sounded good to him and his dad didn't complain either so he didn't really care what others say.

He lifted his eyes from the computer as his gaze settled on him . A beautiful smile settled on his lips as a fade dimple appeared on his cheek.like father like son they said. he really didn't age that much.

"Mr Smith,it been a while"