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the court room

when we walked into the house aspen told me she had a room set up for me. she showed me the room and retreated into their room I could tell she cared for Alex almost as much as I did. a couple days later we got a court statement that said we had to be there for my mother's trial as witnesses. aspen (my brother's girlfriend) drove us there 2 days later.
the court room 10:25 am

JUDGE: ORDER ORDER IN THE COURT, we are here to decide the fate of Samantha Driscoll, the charge, drugging and selling her daughter and causing a car crash. what do you plead

SAMANTHA: not guilty your honor
ZIA: *under her breath* yeah good luck with that
JUDGE: do we have any evidence that Samantha didn't do it
LAWYER 1: yes your honor at the time of the supposed drugging and the car crash she was at her best friend's house we even have her here to state her side.
JUDGE: very well come on up
BFF of Samantha: I was baking with Samantha in my kitchen when it happened I have a home security camera to prove it to.
JUDGE: very well please show this camera at the time of the scene
BFF OF S: (after video was shown) see as you can clearly tell-
LAWYER 2: OBJECTION that video image wasn't there when I checked
JUDGE: do you have any evidence that goes against this
LAWYER 2: actually yes the victims dashcam. he installed a surrounding camera on both inside and outside of his car and they wiped out the year on the evidence
JUDGE: interesting please show me the camera footage
LAWYER 2: as you can clearly see Samantha is in the back seat and her car is hitting the victims everytime he tried to slow down I also have the daughter zia driscoll with me today.
JUDGE: Zia Driscoll please step up
ZIA: yes your honor
JUDGE: what happened
ZIA: well your honor I woke up and my head was pounding and I felt really dizzy. i walked down the stairs to go find something to eat when i saw 2 men dressed in all black. they looked to be over six feet tall and looked like someone's bodyguards. this is when I seen my mom take money from the 2 men and then she pointed at me. my brother....alex, or "the victim" ran towards me and rushed me into his car. I was freaking out and that's all I really remember.
JUDGE: I see... with all this information we allow the jury to go and decide the fate of this womans mother.... remember beyond a reasonable doubt, may god allow the right answer to be made go ahead
(30 minutes later) (jury enters the scene)
JUDGE: has the jury reached a verdict?
FOREMAN: yes your honor we believe that Samantha Driscoll is..... guilty
SAMANTHA: oh shit
FORMAN: yeah we snitched to the judge what you paid us to say not guilty
JUDGE: ORDER ORDER IN THE COURT! half a million dollars.... tell me how much you sold her for and to whom
SAMANTHA: if I snitch I'll be dead and everyone I snitched to will die and I'm not telling anyway
JUDGE: alright then Samantha Driscoll you are sentenced to 15 years in jail for human trafficking and a 500 dollar fine towards your sons medical procedure

I seen my mother be dragged away by 3 police officers and when the jury stood up to leave the judge stopped them and pointed at kira (my moms best friend) and started to talk to her

JUDGE: and you will have to pay 500 dollars for messing with evidence.
KIRA: ... *under her breath* I'll pay but that girl isn't getting away from them.....
JUDGE: the jury is dismissed.... case ajorned
aspen took a trip to see Alex in the hospital and told him the good news. he laughed and told her he'd be ok. aspen took her time and we went home.