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stalkers make their move

zach's p.o.v

as I was heading back to the village something felt off and I could smell it. I was lost in thought when jasmine and Bruce stopped and started sniffing the air. as I looked back I noticed all of us had subconsciously put our ears and tails away. someone bad was following us trying to figure out where we were heading. jasmine started to come closer to me and pulled my ear down to whisper into it.

JASMINE: I see some people over there. they are behind you. don't look but use you senses to your advantage. can you smell and hear them?

ZACH: yes but what about them

JASMINE: I saw them and they had wips, shock collars, and lighters they were staring at us and then looking in the direction we came from I doubt we should go back just yet the village could be put in danger. me and Bruce found a hotel on the other side of town we might be able to loose them but hurry up

BRUCE: we don't have much time they have tranquilizers hurry up

ZACH: come on let's go but pretend like you don't see them and let's walk through the busiest part of town hurry up

jasmine was right and I knew it so we made a plan to split up and head to the hotel in different ways all while going through the busy part of town. my memory was stuck on zia and her mother. I wanted to hurt that horrible woman so badly. I hoped the men would follow me or Bruce to keep my best friend safe but I knew they would probably split to follow us anyway. when I looked back my theory was correct. the men had split up to go after us individually. luckly we all are very strong and were taught to use our powers for the good. as i was walking I seen another one come up to the man with another tranquilizer so I listened in to there conversation before I could ditch them.....

??: is he the one?

???: yep we were lucky to have provoked him to come out now his wolf gang will go down with him for beating us down and taking the girl

??: can't we capture them all now?

???: no we can sell them as slaves on the market. people love to have control over wolves and this one seems to have control over the rest

??: but what about the girl she isn't as strong as them

???: oh her? your stupid the boss told us to get her for a sex slave position she has got the perfect body for it and she is a wolf so she can take much more abuse in bed


??: so you could hear us

ZACH: IM A WOLF AND AS MUCH AS I WANT TO BEAT YOU DOWN..... I have to take care of something see ya

I managed to escape using the busy city to my advantage. I had not realized they had loaded and hit me with a tranquilizer dart before I yelled at them. when I got there I was loopy as hell with scratches on my face.


BRUCE: jasmine....is that what I think it is....

JASMINE: what?

BRUCE: on his neck

JASMINE: huh..... oh my god it's a dart he will be asleep within 2 minutes let's hurry up we already checked in

while we walked to out room my head started pounding. jasmine locked the door as I was layed on the bed to get sleep. I started thinking about zia and why she was always stuck in my head.... was the profacy actually true. was she mine...or supposed to be mine... is she my...mate...