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wolves can tell

when we woke up I called my mother explaining the situation and she understood and told me bot to move. she had decided to send two bodygaurds to help bruce in protecting me. for some reason my heart kept beating faster and faster as if something had happened to my mate. the wolf inside of me was raging and everyone in the room knew it. the tranquilizer mark wasn't as bad as yesterday and my energy wasn't well. I wanted to say something but the glances between us three said it all. the myth my mother was trying so hard to prove was real and I had met her when I saved her. for some reason my wolf was raging and we all needed to figure out why.....so I spoke up.

ZACH: I can't stop it or the feeling I'm getting

JASMINE: we know your heartbeat started to increase for no apparent reason

BRUCE: who is our Luna sending to protect you

ZACH: I don't know I didn't ask

BRUCE: okay then we need to figure out why your wolf is raging

ZACH: I have a idea on why but I wasn't sure

JASMINE: tell us

ZACH: well you remember the story my mother told to the village kids years ago

BRUCE: oh I remember that story I think its been awhile though

JASMINE: which one their were so many

ZACH: the profacy

BRUCE: ooh the one where if the alpha ever finds their mate their wolf will rage If their mate is in danger. and as soon as they do their pack will be able to find theirs?


ZACH: Zia..... I think she is my mate.... and I think those men got her and I have a sneaky feeling they are going after us and her brother

JASMINE: then we can't just sit around and wait

ZACH: I agree


ZACH: Bruce calm down we have to or we may never advance as a pack

BRUCE: can we at least wait for the body guards

ZACH: you know damn good and well my mother wouldn't send them and if I don't show up within about 6 days she will be making another future ruler of the pack

JASMINE: I have spent a lot of time hanging out with alpha Bruce he isn't lieing its best to listen to him

BRUCE: fine if your so sure I'll come with you but only as a means of protection

ZACH: alright then let's get a move on and we most likely need disguises

JASMINE: yeah let's go and hurry

we left the hotel almost instantly and disguised ourselves and something else. my wolf was going wild and I couldn't think about anything else but her. jasmine had actually saved my ass at least three times from moving cars. as we were walking we seen some men who looked like the dudes we beat up to save her. they had coats with guns underneath and were walking towards the hotel we came from. we rushed to the hospital and told them the suspicion of what was going to happen to Alex. we were lucky the woman was the one we spoke to prior to this incident. the hospital got put on high alert and there was at least a doctor in his room at all times. we didn't have a clue about where zia would be. we had six days before I would no longer be accepted back into the pack at all. there was a lot on the line and I knew I couldn't give up my rule because of how old my mother was. she is a cruel woman and doesn't care about anyone in the pack. this is why jasmine stuck close to me she didn't want her family to be injured by her wickedness. we had to find her and return, and fast.....before she and my life are gone...for good