WebNovelTHE VOICE28.57%

The suspect 2

Hours later, Cole was in his office. His head lying on his crossed hands which was on the table. He looked tired and exhausted.

He kept on thinking of his futile investigation which he carried out hours ago. He had gone to the hospital she worked for and he could only gather little information about Wilson Deborah; the deceased. Her co-workers in the hospital all said they know nothing about her. That she was being secretive except for her close friend who divulged the crucial information he had to know.

"She always goes out late at night to see her boyfriend whenever she is on night shift", her friend said with tears prickling down her pretty face smearing the make up on her face.

She sat opposite to Cole and a table demarcated them.

Cole opened his mouth wide agape surprised at the info. "Who is the guy?"Cole asked as he jotted something on his notepad.

"I don't know him", the girl said amidst sobs. She paused to clean the tears on her face with her bare palm.

"But she once told me that his name is Alex"the girl continued.

"Is that all you know?"Cole asked.

"Yes sir, I know nothing again"the girl replied.

"But do the doctors know about her sneaking out in the night?"

"I don't know if they do. Even if they don't she has the authority to do whatever she likes"

"Primarily because she is the daughter of the senate president?"Cole asked.

"Yes",the girl nodded.

"But come to think of it, why doesn't she uses a car instead of walking on foot. She could have called one of her fathers driver to come pick her up with escorts for security purpose."Cole said thoughtfully.

"No, her boyfriend lives close by, so the need for a car was never an option. Moreover, she does not like to show off her father's wealth"

"Oh I get it now, thank you for your time. You've been really helpful and in case you have anything I need to know, make sure you contact me"Cole said as he stood up. He brought out his card from his front pocket and dropped it on the table.

"Just call me, I'll pick at first ring"Cole said and left afterwards.

Minutes later, he found himself at the front of a big mansion which belonged to the son of a hotel owner. Finding the mansion amongst several other mansions wasn't easy. He had to go door to door of each mansion before he finally found it.

He knocked on the gate but no one answered. He saw the doorbell beside the huge gate, and pressed the bell. He heard the chime, but still nothing, no one answered.

Just for the heck of it, Cole tried opening the gate, hoping it might be unlocked but it wasn't. He rang the bell again, keeping his finger pressed against it until it rang a third time too.

"who is that?"a hoarse male voice sounded from inside.

Cole kept mute, said nothing and he listened for movements. His ears picked one as footsteps approach the gate. He peered through the hole of the gate, and he could make out a hazy figure coming towards the gate as the sound of each step was becoming louder. He heard a bolt slide and a chain rattle, and then the gate opened.

Cole quickly stood upright and gazed at the man, obviously the gate keeper.

"What do you want?"the man asked revealing his brownish teeth.

"I need to see your boss, Alex"Cole said peeking through the space the boogie man left as he stood on the door way.

"Who are you?"the man asked.

Cole didn't have to talk, he only flashed his I.D and the man respected his old self. He retreated and headed back into the mansion to inform his boss.

Minutes later, the boogie man came out with a furious look.

"My boss said he doesn't want to see you that you should take your leave right away."

Cole shrugged. He did expect that but he had other plans.

"Alright thank you"Cole said extending his hand for a handshake, the man shook hands with him grinning widely revealing his brownish teeth once more.

Cole smiled and headed back to his car which was parked far away from the mansion. His mission had been accomplished. He had secretly fixed a bug on the man's wrist without him suspecting.


A knock sounded on the door bringing him back from his reverie of thoughts. He immediately sprung up thinking it was the DG. The door opened and the forensic entered.

Cole stood up, his face contorted in abhorrence staring at him.

"Here are the results"the forensic said dropping a file on the table with his iPad.

Cole checked the iPad first, the file can wait. What he saw almost threw him off balance. He checked again to be sure of what he saw. yet, it remained static.

His mouth flew open wide agape like the gate to Jerusalem. The finger print matched with his, which only mean one thing; he is the culprit ..

"It was you"the forensic said pointing at him.

"No I didn't, it wasn't me"Cole defended.

"Who would believe you detective?"

"You did it or not, you are now a prime suspect"the forensic said and left the puzzled Cole.