WebNovelTHE VOICE100.00%

The beginning of the end

Detective Cole was laid on a bed in the state government hospital. There was a drip on his left wrist and a small amount of blood had formed on the tip needed.

Nora could be seen holding Cole's hands in hers, watching Cole still unconscious. Her eyes were swollen and puffy from crying. Cole had been operated on and the bullet had been removed but not without having complications thus, he was still unconscious. She had been with him since the day he was brought into the hospital. She had been crying and praying all through the night . Cole's vitals were okay as seen on the monitor hung beside the bed and should have been awake as presumed by the doctor who operated on him but it seemed like his assumptions were wrong.

Cole's hands suddenly moved which startled Nora. She thought she was hallucinating not until she saw him open his eyes and then his lips moved saying incoherent words.

Nora jumped up screaming the doctor's name.


Two Months Later,

Location: Cole's Residence.

The sounds of singing birds could be heard distance away. Cocks were crowing from neighboring buildings announcing to the world that it was morning. The sun was just coming out of its abode as the velocity of the sunlight is still at a minimum reach as rays of sun pierced through the open louvre, illuminating the room.

Cole blinked his eyes then, he eventually opened them and almost immediately, he covered his eyes to avoid the sun's penetration. He reached out to Nora but his hands only caught the duvet which indicated that Nora was out. He rolled the duvet away and stood up, went to the bathroom and took his bath. Moments later, he was dressed up in the CIB suit checking himself out in the mirror. Floods of memories flashed through his head as he stood staring at the mirror. The reflection shown on the mirror wasn't an image of him but an image of the past. Mr Akinola, Inspector Kunle and the forensic man were all dead. It was later known that the Forensic man; Bamidele William was once an assassin who killed Mr Akinola's wife and left all tracks to be linked with Detective Cole.

Suffering from pain and anguish, Mr Akinola vowed to avenge the death of his wife but not by the book. He set to do it in the most inhumane way possible and then he became something else. The news was broadcasted on almost all of the T.V stations and Newspapers in Nigeria. Cole was afterwards promoted to the rank of DG and he became the Director General of the Criminal Investigation Bureau. A smile wafted across his face, no more anonymous voice threats.

He's a freeman now.

"Honey."Nora called as she entered the room only to meet Cole staring at the mirror lost in thoughts. She walked up to him and shook him, bringing him back from his reverie.

"What's wrong honey?"Nora attacked him with the question immediately he turned to face her.

"I'm fine baby."Cole said smiling broadly.

Nora raised an eyebrow and Cole gave a short laugh.

"C'mon, What's with that face? Honey was just thinking about the dreadful past." Nora hummed and smiled. "I'm happy its all over"

"Me too baby"Cole said and embraced her.

"I need to get going now"

They let go of each other and Nora contorted her face in disappointment. "But honey, don't you think you need to resign?"Nora asked.

"I know but I can't, not now that I am the DG"

"Please honey, just do this for the baby"Nora begged pointing at her protruding stomach.

Cole bent down a little, squatting so he could kiss Nora's stomach.

"I love our baby but I also love my job"

"So you love the job more than the baby?"Nora asked with a raised eyebrow. Cole shook his head, "No dear, I love the baby more"

"Honey can't you just think about it? No more looking over your shoulder, no more killing people and no more threats if you resign"Nora said in a loud pitched tone obviously getting angry.

Cole heaved a sigh of frustration, he knew he had to take it cool with her else, she would get more aggravated by it.

"I'm sorry baby, I love you and I won't allow anything jeopardize our love but I love what I do, I don't kill people but I rather protect them"

Nora melted and fell into his embrace and Cole kissed her on the forehead. "I love you baby"

"I love you more"Nora replied and their lips locked in a long passionate kiss.


Location: Paris, France.

Emily looked down through the window of the plane as it continued its descent. She smiled, the atmosphere was clear, it was going to be a lovely week. She glanced back at Jude who sat beside her reading a magazine. Jude was Emily's fiancee, they were friends right from high school and they both finished their college together but then, Jude traveled to Spain without notice and they lost contacts. It was not until last three months that they ran into each other in a shopping mall and they got back talking. Jude had taken Emily out on most occasions catching on old times and then they both realized that they had a thing for each other and their love story started.

Emily craned her neck as she looked down. There were tall fascinating buildings and different roads, mostly bridges, exotic and modernized ones. A few minutes later, the plane stopped and the 'fasten seatbelt'sign went off.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris"the captain announced. "the time is 10:05am- GMT+01 :00 …"

Emily ignored the mumbling pilot and unfastened her seatbelt, she stood up and looked beside her.

Jude was gone.

She looked around but she couldn't find him.

Emily descended the stairs, clad in a red flowing gown that kissed the ground with a red high heel Italian shoe. She looked undoubtedly beautiful. Such a girl any guy would love to get down with.

"Hey baby, got a cab?"she heard a voice say. She spun around and there he was grinning sheepishly. He was clad in a body hug suit with a black hat on his head, adorned with black sunshades. He looked handsome.

"Where were you?"Nora asked.

"I was behind you all these while"

"That's a lie jor"Emily replied chuckling.

Jude suddenly went down on a knee then, he brought out a golden box, popped it open and brought out a shining diamond ring.

"I have never believed in love but the moment I saw you, I knew you were made for me. You made me believe in love again. Emily, will you marry me?" Came Jude's voice.

Emily was dumbfounded, she couldn't believe her eyes. She knew a day like this would come but never knew it would be soon. She now know the reason behind him taking her out on a vacation to Paris.

"Emily, please marry me"Jude voice rang in Emily's ears again and she realized that she had kept mute all these while.

"Yes, yes, I will marry you"Emily screamed and Jude inserted the ring into her finger and then, they kissed. The onlookers who had formed a small crowd cheered them and clapped.

What Emily felt that moment was more than what she could comprehend. To say she was happy was an understatement. She was delighted she now had a man of her dreams, Ben was a cheater and a monster who married two sisters without their knowledge. Nemesis finally caught up with him and he became a poor wretched man after selling off his house and cars to settle the bank loans he had borrowed.

A month later, Emily and Jude became the latest couple having their wedding done in Nigeria but went to England for their honeymoon.


Nora laid down on a three seater couch in the sitting room watching a program showing on the T.v screen when her phone suddenly beeped. She reached out for it on the low stool in front of her and tapped the phone on. A Whatsapp message popped up on the phones screen; she swiped down the notification bar and clicked on the message.

'I'm having Cole's baby',was the contents of the message.

Nora was dumbfounded as she read it out aloud. She checked out the sender of the message but the message was from an unknown number. Shortly after, another message popped up. It was from the same number but this time, the message was a video. She clicked the video open and began watching; it was Cole and Agent Bola making out on the bed.


CIB Tower

Cole was seated in his spacious office, working on a case file when his phone suddenly beeped. He wanted to ignore but something else propelled him to check it. He reached for it on the table in front of him and abruptly checked the message hoping it would be from the network provider but it wasn't. It was a message from an unknown number. He clicked the message open and it read; 'Hey Cole. I have sent Nora our sex capade video. I told you I am going to have my revenge for firing me.'

Beads of sweat immediately formed on Cole's face even under the air conditioner which was at its full blast.


He cursed under his breath. He couldn't believe she would go as far as that to sending Nora their one-night stand video.

How did she get the video?

He blamed himself for everything. For sleeping with her in the first place even though, he was under the influence of alcohol.

But was he under the influence of alcohol when he had her fired?

Hell no! He wasn't. He only fired her to avoid any impending danger of sexual assault or immorality and now, she has gone over the edge to have her revenge.

Cole's phone rang out loud piercing his thoughts like a sword. He checked the caller and it was Nora calling.

The End...

Thank y'all for following till the end. Please, drop a review or comment about the story.

Watch out for the synopsis "The Travails of Detective Cole"

Starts in a month time.